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Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find the Sewer Key


As you play Resident Evil 2 Remake, you will notice that a key is needed to open the two doors on the upper level of the sewers. They are located in the part of the sewer where you will find Rook figurine - there is a film in the water injection room, with which you can get a weapon upgrade; and the workers' break room has an elevator hidden behind a locker on the east wall. It can be used to get back to the underground center and enter the police station through the secret room under the statue. Very useful if you want to go back and grab leftover items.

Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find the Sewer Key

Key location

Play the game to the monitoring room, then head through the east door to the room with the healing pool. Be sure to grab the T-handle near the cable car. You will then need to continue heading east and go through the door that leads to the lower level of the sewers.

Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find the Sewer Key Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find the Sewer Key

When you get to the bottom of the steps, you will see a fork: turn left and you will descend another small flight of stairs. Here you will see a gate that you can open using the T-handle on the mechanism next to it. Walk across the bridge where you will see a small work area by the south wall - the key is in a box under the table.

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