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Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Solve the Chess Rosette Puzzle


Where to find figures (forks) of the Queen and the King

Go to the storage located in the Lower Sewers. To get there, you need the T-shaped valve handle, which can be found in the treatment room.

Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Solve the Chess Rosette Puzzle Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Solve the Chess Rosette Puzzle

Once you've got the T-handle of the valve, use it on the airlock to get to the Lower Waterway and into the vault. Then follow the instructions below:

  • Step 1 - take the Queen's chess piece and place it on the door on the right side.
  • Step 2 - go upstairs, take the King's figurine and put it on the armory door. Now take both figurines.
  • Step 3 - put the Queen figurine in its original position, and the King to the side of where you came from.
  • Step 4 - after that, take out the Queen, and then the King.

    Where to find the Rook figurine

    Open the lock located on the Lower Waterway in the Lower Sewers to the workroom elevator. Then take the elevator to and from the workshop - you will find a plug in the socket. Take it and go to the monitoring room.

    Solving the puzzle

    Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Solve the Chess Rosette Puzzle Resident Evil 2 Remake - How to Solve the Chess Rosette Puzzle

    Note: the wall on the right is where the pawn label is located, and the wall on the left is the knight's label.

  • Solution for scenario A: Left wall - bishop, rook, knight; Right wall - pawn, queen, king
  • Solution for scenario B: Left wall - queen, elephant, king; Right wall - pawn, rook, knight

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