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Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find Weapon Upgrade Caches


Most of the tapes (photographs) in the Resident Evil 2 remake are easy to decipher, with the exception of two that are simply labeled "Stash." Finding the location of these two hideouts can take a long time, so below you will find a detailed guide.

Location of the "Secret" film

Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find Weapon Upgrade Caches

It is located in the workshop on the upper level of the sewer, which will become accessible after you open the gate with the T-shaped lever and enter the elevator. Take the tape and return to the room under the goddess statue. To reach this room, enter the workers' break room and move the lockers aside to find a secret path with a lift. Take the elevator and get to the room where the weapon upgrade is closed. Climb the stairs and enter the octagonal room where the T-bar can be used to open the door that leads back to the police station. Go back there and print the film using the darkroom - now you have photos of two caches.

Location of the first cache

Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find Weapon Upgrade Caches

Located in the STARS office Enter the office and then go to the side room - a hint will appear on the boxes. Open the crates and then the wooden box that contains the Thunderhawk Reflex Sight or the MQ 11 Bigger Magazine. Be sure to look around the crate to find another secret item hidden in the back.

Location of the second cache

Resident Evil 2 Remake - Where to Find Weapon Upgrade Caches

Find the second hiding place in the press center at the police station. Enter the press center and go to the table in the back left corner. This box contains ammunition, but their type depends on the selected character - Leon or Claire.

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