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31433326 Pokemon GO

Pokemon GO Guide. Server status

To say that launching Pokemon GO was a problem is an understatement. Every time a game appeared in a new region, its servers immediately collapsed, due to which many simply could not get into it. It is even worse when you are about to catch a rare Pokemon and the servers become unavailable.

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Pokemon GO Guide. Where to find Magikarp and Gyarados

In Pokemon GO, you can catch a lot of Pokemon, however, some of them are much easier to find than others, since the latter appear only in special places. Magikarp is one such Pokémon, and he is not a very cool Pokémon by himself. But his next form of evolution, Gyarados, is one of the most attractive and powerful Pokémon in the game, and you need a lot of Magikarps to evolve. So here are some tips on where to find these Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

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Pokemon GO Guide. Map of all pokemon

The main goal in Pokemon GO is to walk the streets and look for Pokemon in order to then catch them all. Fortunately, fans of the game have already created several special maps to help players figure out which Pokémon they can find in their neighborhoods and elsewhere.