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Pokemon GO Guide. Where to find Magikarp and Gyarados


In Pokemon GO, you can catch a lot of Pokemon, however, some of them are much easier to find than others, since the latter appear only in special places. Magikarp is one such Pokémon, and he is not a very cool Pokémon by himself. But his next form of evolution, Gyarados, is one of the most attractive and powerful Pokémon in the game, and you need a lot of Magikarps to evolve. So here are some tips on where to find these Pokemon in Pokemon GO.

Magikarp is a water type of Pokémon, but it is much more attached to water than any others, such as Squirtle or Psyduck. The beach is ideal, but Magikarp does not appear to appear in a specific location, but within a specific region. If you are in a city near the water, he may pop out somewhere nearby, but if there is a place with a lot of water next to you, the chances of Magikarp appearing there are significantly increased.

Once you've found a good spot, be sure to visit it as often as you can. If he appears somewhere, then chances are that he will do it several times during the day. You can also find hotspots - for example, near the main pond of your city or something - where the Magikarps will spawn. Try to catch them all, as you need at least 100 Magikarps to evolve into Gyarados.

By the way, Gyarados can also be encountered by you, but these are very rare Pokémon. Here, too, the option with the beach can work, but even there it is quite difficult to find it. However, while hunting Magikarp, be sure to keep an eye out for Gyarados in order to spare yourself the endless hunt for Magikarp.

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