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How to beat the legendary Groudon in Pokemon GO


Groudon's stats and attacks

As they say, know your enemy. Groudon is a Legendary Earth Pokémon, and the only way to find him is through a Raid Battle, where he is a Legendary Boss with a XNUMX-Star difficulty level.

To defeat him, you need to know his stats:

  • Maximum CP: 51
  • Maximum CP capture: 2,328
  • Attack: 297
  • Protection: 276
  • Stamina: 200

    Although Groudon is an Earth Pokémon, there are three distinct elements associated with his movements, which should be considered when choosing a team. Groudon's movements are as follows:

  • Dirt Dump (Ground): 5 Damage
  • Dragon Tail (Dragon): 15 Damage
  • Earthquake (earth): 120 damage
  • Fire Burst (Fire): 140 Damage
  • Sunbeam (Grass): 180 Damage

    How to Build the Best Team Against Groudon

    Now that you know what you will face, you can draw up a battle plan. As you already know, Groudon is an earthen type with fire, grass and dragon attacks, so you need to keep this in mind as you study his strengths and weaknesses.

    Groudon is weak against grass, water, and ice; however, it is strong against electrical, poisonous and stone attacks. Each of the types of Pokémon that are strong against Groudon are in advance at a disadvantage, as all types of grass and ice attacks are weak by his fire, and water types of Pokémon can be affected by his grass attack.

    Some of the best Pokemon vs Groudon:

  • Pokémon that can withstand his Charge Attacks such as Gyarados and Ho-Oh
  • Strong Grass Pokémon such as Eggzegutor, Septail, or Venusaur
  • Strong water Pokémon such as Vaporon, Cloister, or Ferarigatr
  • Strong Ice Pokemon like Articuno

    By far the best Pokémon against Groudon is Gyarados due to its ability to withstand all powerful attacks and even deal half earthquake damage - so if you have Gyarados, be sure to throw it into battle. Also keep in mind that in clear weather your Grass Pokémon will have boosted attacks (just like Groudon himself!), So keep them on the front lines.

    Best attacks against Groudon:

  • Aquatic: Hydro Pump and Waterfall
  • Herbal: Bullet Seed and Solar Beam
  • Ice: Ice Beam and Blizzard

    To defeat Groudon, you will need at least five or six coaches who will work as a team.

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