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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 11


Guide update: November 21 2019 years

Builds / Equipment

  • Armor: The Vest of Agility comes first, and the epic Poisoned Abyssal Robe comes second (especially if you have a lot of attacks).

    See also:
    How to choose the best armor

  • Pets: It doesn't matter, I used the Bat.

    See also:
    How to choose the best pet

  • Rings: Wolf (Helix level 20+) or Bear / Snake or Falcon. Most of the difficult bosses in this chapter are ground based, so the power of the Bear Ring will come in handy here (increasing health won't hurt either). Ring of the Serpent gives you a dodge percentage and does a good job against projectile enemies, which are often the most annoying. However, with a critical hit fix and Helix coming into play, the Wolf ring is the best bet, even if you don't care about melee damage.

    See also:
    How to choose the best rings

  • Weapons: Bow / Scythe. If you have a legendary weapon, I think the Bow is best. As a rule, if you have problems with mobs, Scythe will do, and if you cannot kill the boss, it is better to take the Bow. If you don't need to move at all, Scythe has a slight advantage in terms of damage per second, but if you need mobility, I think it's still worth taking the Bow.

    See also:
    How to choose the best weapon

  • Hero characteristics: it all depends on your dodging skills, but for the average player you will need 1550+ attack and 6000+ health.

    Recommended Abilities (for Scythe and Bow)

  • Level S (mandatory): Ricochet, Front Arrows, Multi-Shot, Rage, Crit Boost
  • Level A (very strong): Attack Boost, Headshot, Invincible Star
  • Level B (good): Winged Man, Gnome, Fortify Health, Ricochet Walls, Increased Attack Speed ​​/ Rage, Slow Projectile
  • Useless skills: All Pet Buffs (except Freeze), Side Arrows, All Spinning Circles and Swords, Death Bomb

    Walkthrough Tips

  • Try completing your daily quests around the same time every day. I do 5 wheel spins after killing the boss (in chapter 7), then open the Golden Chest so I have a timer for when they are both active again.
  • Your best bet is to spend gems on Helix. If you buy chests, go for Obsidian.
  • To increase your coin farm, go to the last level you completed and play on it, or at least spin the wheel. With this method, you can simply convert all of your excess energy into experience points / coins.

    Example: I bought talents, then weapons, then I spent as many coins as possible on scrolls (I have 6666 scrolls with weapons, 7044 armor, 6206 scrolls with rings and 7215 scrolls with animals) and finally improving the hero.

  • To increase your gem farming, head to Chapter 7 with your finest gear and start clearing out. Compared to other chapters, the seventh stage will take half the time, and you will end up receiving more than 10 stones in one cycle.
  • To increase the number of drops, go to that chapter with waves of minions, which you can quickly clear out (I used Chapter 6).

    Common enemies

    You should already know most of the mobs, and I will not explain each of them in detail. I will dwell only on the following:

  • Witch: try to keep some distance and keep an eye on the projectiles.
  • Teleporters: you need several tries to determine the travel time. When you first see them, just keep moving while they are gone so that enemies do not appear inside you. Once you get used to them, you can retreat shortly before they appear. Teleporters have a melee attack, so keep some distance between you and them.
  • Archers and Scythe Mages: stick to walls and take small steps to the side. This way you will attack more often + you only need to dodge once. In the case of Mages, try to get them to shoot diagonally. Their scythes disappear after hitting 3 walls, so they will no longer return to you.

    Bosses (stage 10/20)


    Possibly the easiest boss in the entire game. If you attack fast enough, you can hit him against the wall and he won't even be able to hit you. If you cannot, then here is a list of his types of attacks:

    1. 5 fireballs. Just don't stand in red circles.

    2. Red fire projectiles flying from him in a straight line. Dodge left and right.

    3. A subspecies of the second attack, but with pink homing projectiles. Find a gap in the line and slide through it. Once the projectiles pass you, they cannot return to you.


    She has three attacks:

    1. 4 projectiles that fly off the boss in a straight line. Huge gaps, easy to dodge.

    2. A wave of projectiles like a boss Plant from 7 chapters.

    3. Attacks with projectiles in both directions. 2 lines in a row. You can't just go around the line because of the projectiles. Try to find out the distance to the line (about half of the room from the top right to the bottom left), and then always stand at a distance where the first line does not hit you (but not much further). Once the boss fires the second line of projectiles, you can retreat by taking 1 step in its direction. Thus, the projectiles will be behind you. Plus, you'll have nearly perfect distance again, so you don't have to move a lot.

    Bosses (stage 30/40)

    Double electric pigs

    The goal is to move as little as possible in boss fights. You should try to choose a point where the projectiles don't reach and stay there.

    Ideally, you want to stay on one side as long as possible so that the bosses stay there too (preferably to your left). I prefer to be at the lower left wall, and then when the bosses get too close, I run up along the right wall to the upper wall, then stand near the corner at the upper left wall. I stay there until it becomes too difficult to dodge, then I return to the first point.

    If you have good damage per second, you can stay at the bottom wall for as long as possible and kill 1 of the bosses, and then the battle will become much easier.

    Double archers

    My strategy was to stick closer to the center of the bottom wall (avoiding the side walls because arrows moving horizontally are confusing). Then shoot several times, and as soon as the red line disappears, dodge the projectile at the very last second. Remember where the future danger zones are and stay away from them. Repeat until the bosses are dead.

    Final Boss (Skeleton King)

    This boss has 4 moves:

    1. Summon skeleton

    2. 3 waves of stone projectiles

    3. Knees down and heals

    4. Loads weapons and waves them (with a path of fire behind it)

    The first 3 moves you can dodge and maximize your damage. If the boss is between movements, maximize the distance between him and you, after which you should move towards the boss perpendicular to the line so that you do not have to react to his 4th movement.

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    1. Couldn't go through this chapter for a long time
      Until I tried to take the staff as a weapon.

      The key skills that helped are the diagonal arrows (dropped twice) and the arrow through. I went through the chapter on the first try. The final boss was killed in a few seconds

    2. Thanks for the helpful articles!
      Actual question. For me, after the update from 24.11, chapter 11 became automatically completed? 😀 There was progress 37 \ 50 .. updated, passed new available levels .. then I look, I already have the 12th one available :)) I'm sitting, having fun :))

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