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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 7


The seventh chapter is considered one of the most difficult in Archero, so I wrote a detailed walkthrough.

First, you need an epic weapon. I recommend the Brave Bow, but in general any powerful weapon will do. Remember: the more damage you have, the less time you spend on the boss and the fewer mistakes you make.

If you don't have legendary gear / ton of health, 10% projectile resistance or 5% damage reduction won't make much of a difference, as you'll still die from 3-4 hits anyway. What to do? It would be nice to increase the percentage of evasion. Ideally, you want double dodge rings that, when combined with your armor, will give you a whopping 21% dodge chance.

Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 7


The seventh chapter is broken down into three stages, each of which contains bosses. There are 10 enemies in total, and here's how to kill them:

Step 1

  • Giant red and black spider: Walks around the room in semi-random patterns (sometimes chases the hero) and stops every few seconds to fire 8 red projectiles in all directions. As soon as the boss takes enough damage, it will split into 2 smaller spiders, which act and attack identically to the larger version. Then the boss will split again, but this time into 3 ordinary spiders, which you met in other chapters. They attack with 4 shells instead of 8.

    - First try to kill all of the boss's small minions.

    - If you are trying to maintain full health, but at the same time try not to summon the Devil, let the boss deal you one blow before his first split, because this is guaranteed to drop 2 hearts from the enemy.

    - After the first split, first kill one of the mini-bosses, then calmly deal with the second.

  • Large carnivorous plant: Stands stationary in the center and sprays a large number of projectiles. After you have killed all the small enemies, the easiest way to quickly destroy the boss is to get as close as possible without touching him (otherwise you will take damage) and go around him. When the boss starts the attack, you will go far enough not to take damage. While the boss is shooting, you can land 2-4 hits before he starts shooting again. But you'd better start moving before he attacks.
  • Spitting snake: without a doubt the easiest boss. After killing all of his minions, all you have to do is stand right "inside" the boss and you are done, because the snake has no collision damage. You can attack him safely without fear of damage. The only thing you need to watch out for is his spitting attack.
  • Bouncing skull: one of the most common enemies of the first chapters, which actively moves around the room, bouncing before changing direction. As damage is taken, the boss divides into smaller skulls until it reaches its lowest stage at 3 divisions. Does not fire projectiles.

    - If you are trying to maintain full health, but at the same time try not to summon the Devil, let the boss deal you one blow before his first split, because this is guaranteed to drop 2 hearts from the enemy.

    - The boss has a significant speed boost during splitting, so be careful not to get too close.

    - If you are using ice effects, be careful, as after freezing, the boss changes direction WITHOUT jumping.

    - After the first split, first kill one of the mini-bosses, then calmly deal with the second.

    Step 2

  • Scary Scarecrow: If you haven't faced this boss yet, consider yourself lucky. The enemy often fires 8 arc orange shots; sends 2 pumpkins to the hero, which make 4 arc shots in a spiral; and places stationary pumpkins that rotate, firing at 4 arcuate projectiles. In addition, once the boss has taken enough damage, the pattern will speed up, making the Scarecrow even more difficult to attack.

    - You will take the least damage if you stick to corners and dodge shots there. The best way to dodge arcuate bullets is to stick to the wall at the entrance and walk 1/6 of the way up each side wall in a back and forth direction.

  • Fire-breathing Pig / Dragon: A huge boss who fires flaming projectiles that always bounce 3 times.

    - First try to kill all of the boss's small minions.

    - Keep track of how many times each shot bounced so you know if it ricochets at you or not.

    - Never stand in the corner when attacking the boss, but after that the corner becomes a very safe place.

    - The boss is after you, so always go to the other side so you don't get cornered.

    - Examine where the bullets will ricochet.

    - Ice effects can cause the boss to stop attacking, which sometimes makes it impossible to fully attack.

  • Large black and green bat: Attacks in one way, firing green bullets in a spiral.

    - The boss needs time to charge the attack. Use this moment to get out of the way.

    - There are different strategies for different maps. On a map with 3 block walls on either side, make the bat move back and forth and get stuck in the walls. The kill will be slower, but this way you are less likely to receive damage. On more open maps, keep the boss around the outer wall, running from corner to corner.

    - Try not to attack with ice effects, as this will destroy the boss attack pattern.

  • Giant gray tree: He has two attacks - a jump with 8 shots and a machine gun burst aimed at the hero.

    - Jumping a tree only deals 1 damage, so if you are trying to avoid colliding with the Devil, you will get hit instead of taking a more devastating shot.

    - When the boss starts jumping, "stick" to the top or bottom wall, and move back and forth. This way, when the boss starts a machine gun burst, you can move to the opposite wall and get more dodging options.

    - Ice attacks are most effective against this boss, which can stop all or most of the machine gun fire.

    - If you "stick" to a wall, most of the bullets will hit it and not hit you.

    Step 3

  • Giant wolf: There are two attacks - a jump with massive damage and a dash straight to the hero.

    - First try to kill all of the boss's small minions.

    - After each attack charge, the boss has a short pause, so get 1-2 hits and quickly get out of the way.

    - Jump only deals 1 damage, so if you are trying to avoid colliding with the Devil, you will get hit instead of taking a more devastating shot.

    - Ice attacks come in handy in this battle because they can freeze the boss in the middle of the attack, giving you more time to hit or dodge.

  • Spinning Golem: A challenging boss that alternates between his attacks and summoning minor minions.

    - First try to kill all of the boss's small minions.

    - When the boss fires multiple shots, step aside, as it is difficult to dodge at close range.

    - The boss charges the attack quickly, so be prepared to get out of the way at any moment.

  • Annoying Cactus: his attacks are too random to predict and kill the enemy in just a few hits like other bosses.

    - Try to stay as far away from the Cactus as possible so that you can determine when it will charge, after which you will have enough time to react and dodge.

    - When the boss attacks with a tornado, try to stay close to the walls.

  • Electric Pig / Dragon: Launches large electric balls, which after a certain time break into 4 smaller balls.

    - Most of this fight can be done by sticking to a wall. Just watch out for those stray bullets that fly near the wall.

    - When the boss doesn't shoot, he starts chasing the hero, so don't let yourself get trapped in the corner.

    - Bullets always ricochet twice, so watch out for their first ricochet and wait for their return to dodge.

    Final Boss

    If you thought that the last boss of the sixth chapter was difficult (Snake), now you need to fight with two at once, and they can kill in 3-4 hits.

    - Get to the bottom wall as soon as possible. If you "stick" to it, then it is VERY unlikely that one of the snakes will appear next to you. If you run to the center, you will most likely make the boss both top and bottom, and in this scenario, it is extremely difficult to defeat him. Therefore, always be either at the very bottom or at the very top of the room.

    - When the snakes are preparing to attack, it is best not to stand in the corner, as this may prevent the boss from hitting the bottom / top wall directly, causing the projectiles to explode in another way.

    - Sometimes the boss will appear right next to the wall to which you are "stuck". In this case, immediately run to the opposite wall and continue to attack.

    - When you are against the wall, always move.

    - In this battle, the presence of two Serpentine Rings is mandatory, as they give + 14% to evasion and additional damage to the boss.

    - Ice attacks freeze the Serpent, preventing it from making an explosive attack.

    - If you don't have invulnerability, DO NOT try to get closer to the bosses.

    - The best skills for combat are Wingman, Slow Projectile, Evasion Chance, Invincibility, and Agility. Your damage is secondary to your ability to dodge.

    - Increasing the volume helps anticipate the boss's last projectile.

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