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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 6


First of all, if you don't have epic weapons, then get ready to sweat. The level consists of many ranged units. If you can't destroy the wave in 15 seconds, even more enemies will appear, more projectiles, and less room for you.

Recommended skills

- Multishot
- Double boom
- Ricochet
- Diagonal arrows
- Ricochet off the walls
- Piercing Shot
- Powerful heart (there are many red hearts in this chapter)
- Slow projectile
- Evasion (recommended if base evasion is 14% or higher)
- Invincible Star
- Shield protection
- Slave
- Extra life
- Increased health
- Ice arrows
- Fire arrows


  • For those who choose Diagonal Arrows. When you see the marks on the floor where enemies will appear, then if you stay close to them, the enemy will receive all 3 shots.
  • Use the walls to your advantage: try to get the Piercing Shot + Ricochet off the walls skill, and try to hide behind walls from enemy projectiles.
  • Whenever you get to an Angel <who offers you one of the improvements or health boosts, I choose the latter. Why? In case you choose to heal, you get approximately 1000 units of health, excluding the received abilities.


  • Worm: Due to the low level of the hero (4-5), you have low damage. It will take time to kill this boss. It shoots balls that break up into several small projectiles, so first take a step or two to the side and then attack. The hardest part is not getting caught in the trap (when the boss appears right in front of you), which can be the only reason for taking damage.
  • The bats: You will have about 4-5 seconds between attacks, so dodge the mice first and then attack by dodging to the side (you need to run, as one step to the side will not work). Try to lure the boss into a corner and then strike with ice arrows.
  • Perfume: You don't have to run a lot in this battle - just stay at the bottom of the screen and focus on dodging. When "marks" of the boss appear on the map, stay away from them, dodging diagonally - it is not known in which direction the spirits will attack.
  • Final Boss: As soon as you enter the room, run under the enemy's left foot (to your left) and stay in this place, dodging up and down.

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  • 1 comment
    1. I can add that the freeze from the arrow in the dash needs to be set higher for this chapter, because If you manage to carry out 2 freezing attacks on the first boss, then he will not throw his projectile at you (which disintegrates into small ones), that is, he will not be able to attack normally. And he is the only one to die of in this chapter.

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