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Walkthrough Quantum Break. Act 5


Act 5 Part 1 - Monarch HQ

At the very beginning, you will meet the troops of the Monarch. There will be several agents and one armored enemy, so try to use cover. You will find the first secret, the radio, in front of the stairs, at the reception.

Go through the door opened by Fiona / Charlie and turn left. There is a chronon source above the door in the men's bathroom. Check the building map and head upstairs.

There are three secrets on the table - Intel is one of them. Two enemies will come after you, but they shouldn't be a big threat. Get to the elevator and go to the top floor. Take the pills from the couch and open the door.

Quantum Break

First, take down three enemies (sneak up behind them and use Time Blast). Expect three agents and two Juggernauts. Take the ammo from the backpacks that are scattered around. You will also come across two secrets: a blackboard by the window and a laptop on one of the tables.

Quantum Break

Go through the door and turn left to enter the dark office. Take the two secrets from the table in the corner and the chronon source that is on the right, next to the entrance. There is a papier (Intel) in the hallway. There is also a computer with secrets a few meters away.

Quantum Break

Use your navigator to find the plaque on the table behind the next door and the computer in the front (take it after the cutscene). Walk along the wall and take the tablet from the cabinet. The second one (Intel) is on the bed and if you look behind it you will find the last source of the chronon.

Go downstairs and take the secret from the laptop, which is located next to the sketches. Go through the secret passage hidden in the wall. Enter the lab and check the laptop.

Quantum Break

Liam Burke will be waiting for you at the end of the corridor, behind the next door. He will try to stop you, but he is not a super boss. Even though you won't be able to use your abilities, Liam is not that good with weapons and a few bullets should be enough to kill him.

Finish the fight and take two more secrets (laptops). They are located at both ends of the room. Use the door and you will find a tablet on the left side and Charlie's ID on the right, on the floor (Intel).

Quantum Break

Take the Countermeasure you were looking for. Take the elevator to the time machine.

This is not the end - turn on the car and kill the arriving agents. Watch out for snipers and two armored opponents. You can stay where you are and wait for them to come for you. Turn on the car again, and go inside.

Act 5 Part 2 - Return to University

Quantum Break

Go ahead and kill the weak guards. Use the stairs near the elevator and find the source of the chronon. Two "fat men" will support the rest of the guards. Destroy explosive barrels and use fire extinguishers.

Quantum Break

Stabilize the door and go outside. Find the source of the chronon on the forklift in the center of the square. Go to the top floor and defeat four agents. Go to the entrance to the underground parking and turn back the clock to get inside.

Quantum Break
Quantum Break

Deal with another group of agents and armored opponents. Remember that you can blow up cars that can cause serious damage to your opponents. When you get rid of everyone, the guards will appear.

After the battle is over, go to the sentry box. You don't have a code to open the gate, so stay and watch the cutscene. Follow the shadows from the past until you hear the code (during the third dialogue).

Quantum Break

Enter the guard booth again. Keep to the right, there is a chronon source in front of the stairs. There is a damper at the top, which is protected by three agents. The switch is at the back, on the wall, and there is another secret next to the switch.

Quantum Break

They will extinguish the light and even more enemies will appear. Use Time Vision to help yourself and find your opponents (two of them are armored). Finish the fight and enter the building. Climb up the scaffolding. Finally, climb onto the crane and as soon as you pass the first staircase, look for the source of the chronon.

Quantum Break

Go forward and face another group of opponents located on the roof. Access the device on the roof and use it to reach the shaft. Walk through and kill the enemies you come across. Eventually, you will find yourself in the library (try shooting two armored thugs with Time Blast).

Quantum Break

Once you enter the library, you have limited time to rescue Will. Don't waste time and get to the front door as soon as possible.

Exit the building and follow Will. Make your way to the library where the gunfight used to be and you'll find another chronon source (next to the painting in the corner). A cutscene will end the chapter.

Act 5 Part 3 - Final Moments

Quantum Break

Exit the cockpit, turn right and head to the corner to find the source of the chronon. Follow Will to the building. When you go upstairs, you will come across a radio that will play various recordings of this time.

Quantum Break

Help your brother break down the door and go through the locker room. Turn right twice and you will find another chronon source next to the shower. Enter the time machine. A small group of enemies is already waiting for you in the future.

Quantum Break

Unfortunately, when you try to wake Will up, Paul will appear, after which your last fight will begin. The rules are simple - survive three waves of enemies, supported by Paul's attacking grenades.

Quantum Break

After the first wave, Serin will perform special attacks and red waves will be emitted from the source. If you end up in this zone, you will die. The only way is to run to the other side of the pool to save yourself. When you are safe, shoot him (he is standing over the time machine).

The same procedure will take place after the second and third waves have passed, but this time Paul will perform three of his special attacks. Kill him and end the final battle.

All that's left is to help Will with the time machine and complete the final chapter of the game.

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