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Walkthrough Quantum Break. Act 3


Act 3, part 1 - Research Center

Follow Beth. You will learn a new skill, Time Run, which allows you to shoot down enemies while you run. You will have a chance to try it very soon.

Use your skills to get through the closing door, immediately after pressing the button.

Move fast and avoid automatic weapons. In the crevice, on the stairs, there is the source of the chronon. You can take apart the pistol and get the Light Machine Gun - fast and powerful, but imprecise. You will come across a broken yellow bridge on your way. Fix that and use it to get to the other side.

Quantum Break

Remove the two guards in the square, read the information on the board and repair the pistol. Jump from the beginning of the barrel and climb over the wall to find the source of the chronon.

Quantum Break

Meet Beth. Walk down and collect another chronon source. Go back and use the yellow gate. On the other side, there is a plaza where there are 10 guards (not elite forces). Use your new abilities to deal with your opponents, but watch out for the snipers located above you (note the laser sight), and go directly upstairs. There's a pistol in there.

Quantum Break

Finish the fight and receive the previously mentioned pistol. Take nearby ammo supplies. Open the gate and go to the tower. There is a radio station in the sentry box. Chronon sources under the radio tower and behind the helicopter.

Enter the laboratory. Once inside, you will unlock the secret (radio message when on). Enter the elevator. On the first floor, time will stop, so leave it and read the sign in front of the entrance, and head up the stairs to the laboratory.

Quantum Break

Use Time Stop or Time Shield to go through an unstable door. Otherwise, you may die.

Quantum Break

You will come across several secrets: use the corridor to move left and find the source of the chronon. Inside the lab, you will find a laptop and a whiteboard. Disconnect the machine to block the door, and in this way get to the back of the laboratory for another source of chronon.

Quantum Break

Chronon Dampeners are working in this area, which need to be disabled. Find their source (yellow pillars like the ones in the lab) and close them. Face more volatile objects and opponents outside the door.

Quantum Break

Check the board in front of you (and the map on the left if you haven't already), turn left and collect another chronon source. Enemies will appear on the way back. Use the white corridor and the half-open door to get to your next sub-location.

Quantum Break
Quantum Break

A mini-boss, Juggernaut, will appear. Kill his minions first. To defeat him, use Time Rush and Time Dodge (or combine them) bypass him. Shoot the orange wheel on your back. The shotgun is the perfect choice: two accurate hits and the fight is over.

Walk to the corner and build an impromptu elevator to navigate between structures under the ceiling and cross over to the other side.

Quantum Break

When you go through the door, check the board on the wall on the right and look for the next three offices. Each of them has a computer with hidden secrets (four in total: three on the right and one around the corner).

Quantum Break

Your goal is the office in the corner. You will find two computers, file and notes. However, you need to pick up a strange device next to the laptop (this is part of your task).

Quantum Break

Use the stairs to get to the bottom floor. Check the offices again, two of them. Inside, you should find a computer. There is also a mug.

Enter the glass room and go next to the weapon cabinets. Behind one of them is the source of the chronon. Follow your navigation and head towards the exit.

Act 3 Part 2 - The Triumph of the Monarch

Quantum Break

Explore the conference room: check the presentation on the right, two laptops on the left, and head up the stairs. On the top floor, you will find an empty conference room with a well-hidden chronon source. Go to the parking lot and find the second chronon source opposite the anomaly.

Quantum Break

Get ready. Kill the first wave of enemies and get to the yellow and white building to turn off the alarm. You can explore the right wall of the garage and collect the tablet from the drawer.

Quantum Break

Don't be surprised when you find yourself right in front of an armored enemy with a light machine gun. Use a shotgun (if you have one) to quickly deal with it. Enter the house, turn off the alarm, defeat the second wave of enemies (expect one armored enemy), and use the door that was opened by your opponents.

There's a radio just outside the door. Walk through and activate Time Vision to locate the source of the chronon in the corner. Go outside.

Quantum Break

There is another chronon source at the top of the stairs. Walk forward and jump over the damaged area to get to the parking lot. Prepare yourself for another fight.

Quantum Break

First, get to the shutter and turn off the force field that is blocking your abilities. There is an enemy on the roof that is armed with a Carbine Rifle. You can pick it up if you like.

Quantum Break

The fight would be easy if there were no enemy coming towards you from the other side. Besides the lightweight gun, it has a portable damper that will block your abilities. Don't get too close to him.

Quantum Break

Finish the fight and go to the noticeable gate. Move the vehicle and access the penthouse. Go to him. There is a secret in the pickup.

Quantum Break

Meet Beth at the table. End the conversation and collect the chronon source and Intel (they are at the table, next to each other). There is a tablet at the top of the stairs.

There are also two secrets: the first chronon source is located at the end of the suspended balcony. You will find the second later.

Quantum Break

Beth and Mrs Doctor will leave you while you fight the bad guys. There is a sniper among them, so watch your back. Other opponents should not approach you. Look out for a pistol that is aimed from a gazebo with a sniper. After the battle is over, look for the gazebo and collect the last chronon source.

Quantum Break

Press the button in the booth (use the navigation) and head back. Destroy incoming files with Time Shield or Time Dodge and aim straight away. Expect two more armored thugs.

Quantum Break

Exit through the next door and take the keys to the vault. You have just completed Act 3.

Act 3, Pass 3

Quantum Break

Your only goal is to make another tough decision. Choose if you want to trust Amaral or Hutch.

Amaral - We trust Sofia and assume that Hatch is a traitor.
Hutch - Trust Hutch and assume that Amaral is a traitor.

Sofia's "correct" decision, and no matter what you decide, Hutch becomes a traitor. The decision will affect cut-scenes to some extent.

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