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Walkthrough Quantum Break. Act 1


Act 1 Part 1 - The Riverpoint University Experiment

Quantum Break

The game begins with a short prologue. You will start on campus. Go to the large modern building in front of you. There are 16 secrets here.

Quantum Break

The first is on the campus map, which is to the left of where you start the game, and the second is on the poster on the table. Approach it using the stairs. Two more secrets can be collected on the right side on two boards.

Quantum Break

You will find the entry on a small carousel, and next to the girl who wanted to talk to you, you will find a note on the board and a video in the tent. Go to the building. In front of him, you will come across two more boards - the secrets are located to the left of the entrance.

Quantum Break

Inside you will meet Paul - your goal is to follow him. Take the elevator, but first collect two secrets: the laptop on the desk in the reception area and the elevator fee.

Quantum Break

Follow your friend to the locked door that he will open for you. You can reach the projector and interact with the seat in front of it - this is one of the in-game secrets that will allow you to unlock the Marketing Spiel.

Quantum Break

Enter the laboratory. Help Paul with the experiment - pull the lever located on the console in one of the corners. Follow Paul, turn the key and activate the procedure on the computer.

Quantum Break

Collect two secrets in the first room of the lab - the message on the laptop and the picture on the shelf by the door. Two more can be found in front of the car: a note on the table to the right and a board in front of the car.

The prologue does not include any hidden solutions or puzzles.

Act 1 Part 2 - Escape from Campus

Quantum Break

In the second part, you will have to escape from the campus. You will learn how to shoot. You will find another secret in the server room, on the computer.

Quantum Break

A shootout will be waiting for you in the next room as soon as you open the door. However, you are unlikely to be killed. Take SMG and defeat your enemies.

You will notice a white board with equations. Interact with her to unlock additional content in the cutscene at the end of the episode (the so-called quantum ripple is marked on the timeline among other hidden objects, and will affect the future to a certain extent - as visual objects and will not affect the gameplay or the plot directly).

Quantum Break

A similar sequence will occur near the elevator. Kill the bad guys and head to the first floor (grab the secret from the couch first). Stop time and go to another educational building. Take the elevator down and collect another secret: a note on the corner of the table.

Quantum Break

Find William's car. You will learn Time Vision - a skill that will allow you to discover useful items, nearby enemies and game secrets. Get to the car at the end of the parking lot. Walk right and then straight ahead (white sedan).

Get ready for some action. Use Time Vision to create an event at this location (your ability icon will flicker when possible). Agents will come from different directions, so use Time Vision to find them effectively.

Quantum Break

From now on, you can use Time Stop to stop time: target (or fire at will) at the enemy and use your ability to immobilize him. Also, if you shoot him, your bullets will stop in the air and hit their target as soon as you turn off the ability. Finish the fight and head back to the building. You will meet Beth - this is the last scene of this act, and thus another achievement, The Mysterious Stranger, will be unlocked.

Act 1 Part 3 - Library Chase

Quantum Break

You will find yourself at the university again. Approach the board, activate Time Vision and go upstairs. Use Time Dodge to go faster, dodge bullets and send charges at opponents to eliminate them. This can be especially useful as the guards will use grenades from now on.

Quantum Break

Use the corridor and get to the dining room, which is full of agents. Don't forget to use the new ability, Time Dodge, to take down the target in slow motion.

Quantum Break

> Kill the bandits on the lower level and find the heavy pistol located in the middle on the table. You can switch from the default weapon, but keep in mind that this weapon is slower and only has four shots. Leave the room.

Quantum Break

Head to the construction site and you will realize that the door to the library is locked. Use portable toilets and jump over the fence. You will find a hidden secret - a radio in a barrel. Use the crate in the middle to reach a higher level and go to the building. The blue tower car goes down when you stand on it, so use the Time Stop / Time Shield to stop it.

Quantum Break

Enter the building through the window and get to the lower level to eliminate two guards. Go to the main auditorium in the library. Despite the fact that you will face many enemies, you will receive a new ability, Time Shield. This will create a shield that can be used to protect against bullets. Also, use red containers that contain flammable materials.

Quantum Break

Complete the fight. Get ready, as reinforcements will arrive shortly. Climb higher for a better position. Some of your enemies will have assault rifles, so take them out with your SMG as quickly as possible. Head to the exit to finish the chapter.

Act 1, Transition 1

Quantum Break

Although the last part is only a short scene, it is very important. As Paul, you must decide the fate of the campus girl who witnessed the entire event. Before doing this, you can use Junction Impact, which will allow you to see the results of your decisions (in short, of course).

- Choose Hardline to kill the girl and thus make people hate Monarch company. On the other hand, you will keep all your secrets. Nick, the taxi driver, will help you throughout the gameplay and the students will go on strike (episodic element).

- Choose a PR to save her life, after which she will join you. Unfortunately, Joyce can learn about the secrets. Students will not go on strike.

Quantum Break

You can collect two secrets, which are located next to each other, on the left side, on the boxes. You will also find the goat statue, which is the Quantum Ripple.

Quantum Break

After making a decision, you will be able to watch this episode, which is a transition between chapters. The results of previously made decisions (only one made by Paul) will be shown, as well as elements related to the Quantum Ripple (for example, a scientist in a buffet announces that someone has solved an equation from his laboratory).

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