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Walkthrough Quantum Break. Act 2


Act 2, part 1 - Industrial zone

During a scene from an episode, you are in a warehouse. Go to the end of the room and find the source of the chronon. They are especially valuable as you can use them to develop your abilities.

Upgrade one of your skills and unlock Chronon Surge.

Use the box near the van to exit the room through the roof and go to another building. Use Time Vision to scan an area for two types of objects: those that can be destroyed (yellow, which is also used for secrets), and those that can be recovered through time manipulation.

Either way, knock off the hook and go to the next room. Walk across the boards and repair the damage caused by the falling object (the corresponding button will be displayed).

Quantum Break

Соберите источник хронона, который скрыт в конце комнаты, за досками. Вы достигнете небольшой комнаты с тремя секретами: ноутбук, доска с фотографиями и план здания. Вы будете собирать Квантовую Рябь автоматически (телевизор). Вы должны пополнить боеприпасы и, возможно, взять винтовку.

Open the door and analyze the war zone. Pay attention to boxes that hang under the roof and explosive barrels. Fight your enemies, but be careful as some of them have shotguns.

Quantum Break

Use the yellow elevator to get to the top floor, but don't forget to activate the generator. Once you reach the top, you will see the second source of the chronon.

Quantum Break

Walk along the wall to kill two bandits through the window and get a new companion - Amy or Nick (depending on your decision on the first passage). Collect information on laptop (secret) and Intel in the form of eye drops located on a drawer by the door.

Collect enough Intel to unlock log events in diaries and upgrades.

Quantum Break

The gate is locked, but you can use the hidden button to open it momentarily. Have your companion activate the button and use Time Dodge to get through the gate before it closes.

Quantum Break

Get to the marked door and you will know that it is closed. Collect three Chronon Sources before moving on. The first one is practically above the locked door, on a steel structure - use the yellow carriage to get there.

Quantum Break

The second is on the same building where the button was hidden. Use the car again and enter the building through the hole in the roof.

Quantum Break

Now walk diagonally in the opposite direction to the locked door and use the crates to climb onto the carriage (to the right of the last carriage). Use it to get to the covered walkway. You can jump over the fence and collect another chronon source.

Quantum Break

Use a tin roof to reach the window. Items that are scattered around can be repaired, but remember that the whole process takes a few seconds.

Прыгайте через окно и ищите два секрета: радио и ноутбук. Пусть ваш спутник заберется внутрь и взаимодействует с картой.

Quantum Break

You will receive a new ability - Time Blast. Use it to take down the three enemies you come across. Aim carefully to remove them with one hit (aim at the one in the center).

Quantum Break

Use the door and, before you get to the next one, go to the trash heap and find the source of the chronon above the door. Now get ready for some serious combat: the room is full of guards and armored opponents with shotguns. Just shoot the red barrel as fast as possible. Deal with them with Time Stop / Time Blast abilities.

Kill the rest and look for bodies - you can find Advanced Rifle (improves aim, speed and capacity). Another bandit should be behind the wall, on the left side.

Quantum Break

Go to the end of the room and use the stairs. You haven't activated the button, so go to the other side of the building and press the button (the pointer will show you the way). On your way, you will come across two secrets: a laptop and a radio.

Откройте ворота и подготовьтесь к новой атаке. Все должно пройти довольно легко. Используйте дверь, которая ранее была закрыта.

Act 2 Part 2 - Polygon Zero

Quantum Break

Переместите книжный шкаф и войдите в соседнюю комнату. Посмотрите презентацию на телевизоре и возьмите пистолет Burst Fire, расположенный на левой стороне. Убейте все головорезов на складе — если хотите, вы можете атаковать одного из них, а остальные будут следовать за ним. Вы найдете ноутбук в центре комнаты.

Quantum Break

Go to the right corner of the warehouse to find a steel plate on hooks and drop it down. Stand on it and repair the object to use it as an elevator. Check out the steel ladders - underneath you will find the source of the chronon.

In the corner of the awning, you will find a small hole. There is another source of chronon inside.

Quantum Break

Выходите наружу и соберите еще один источник хронона, расположенный над желтым устройством. Проверьте машину и прочитайте записку, которая находится на крыше. Садитесь внутрь, чтобы продолжить свое путешествие.

Quantum Break

Inside the white structure, you will find two laptops. When you exit the building and find yourself in the garage, first find the steel container in the corner, on the left side. There is a chronon source behind it. In order to move forward, destroy the barrel that is blocking your path.
Quantum Break In the end, you will find yourself in a parking lot, where a bunch of enemies are waiting for you. This will seem like an easy task at first, especially when you keep your distance, but be careful. The soldiers, two of whom are armored, will reach you shortly. Go to the other side of the fence, and after a while reinforcements will come, and time will stop. You can also remove only a few guards that stand in your way and run to the other side of the arena. Time will stop anyway, so you don't have to fight your opponents.
Quantum Break Use the truck to move forward and face the elite squad. They have skills similar to yours, and in addition, they have tactical SMGs that shoot fire. Fortunately, there are not many of them and they are weak against traditional bullets (use a shotgun and shoot in the head). However, they are immune to time stopping. If you are not a sniper, shoot their backpacks.

Welcome to Polygon Zero. Read the information sign and move on.

Quantum Break

Strange things will happen inside the warehouse, so be careful. There is another laptop near the exit.

Immediately after the scene with Beth and Paul, and as you leave the room, you will find the Quantum Ripple next to the stairs, on the left side. Examine the dinosaur to collect the secret.

Quantum Break

Go to another building. Apart from the two agents, you will come across two pieces of data stored on a laptop and tablet, and Intel on the bed. Before exploring the building further, go to the square and find the elephant graffiti. There is another source of the chronon in front of him.

Quantum Break

There is another laptop, on the left side, in the adjacent building. Stick to the left and you will find another chronon source. One of the vans has a data plate.

Quantum Break

The final secret (tablet) is inside the white tent in the dressing room. Look for the source of the chronon. It can be located behind the last locker if you stick to the left side of the hallway.

Quantum Break

You will meet Paul, but instead of fighting, you will only see cutscenes. Escape from the destroyed ship and meet Beth. However, some players may find this to be one of the most difficult parts of this act. Explore your surroundings carefully and use Time Dodge if you want to be successful. Use Time Stop or Time Shield to stop objects.

Quantum Break

Once you make your way through the rubble, another elite squad will appear. Although the fight will be quite chaotic, due to the fact that they can also control the time, it will be too difficult (there are many places to hide). Just follow the attack from the back. When you're done, use the yellow ladder and end the chapter.

Act 2 Part 3 - Bradbury Swimming Pool

Quantum Break

You are in front of the pool and, as always, the main entrance is blocked. Check the back of the building on the right side. Scan your surroundings and use Time Vision to reorder objects and get to the attic.

Quantum Break

Once you climb into the attic, find the bookcase on the right and collect the chronon source. Walk through the ruins.

Quantum Break

Use the window and get to the scaffolding. You will find the second chronon source at the end of the awning.

Quantum Break

Return to the building and move forward. You will come across a hole in the floor. Jump over it and you will end up in a restaurant. You can find three secrets here: a tape recording between the shelves, a note, and an old radio tape. Go downstairs and open the main entrance for your friends.

Follow Beth. You will find a TV recording. When you try to open the door, you find out that the key does not work. Open another door to find a gate. Click on the button to activate them.

Quantum Break

Go left along the corridor and look at the red staircase in the last room. There is the source of the chronon above it.

Quantum Break

Go to the next room and find another time machine. You will unlock A William Joyce Original. Turn right: there is a briefcase and diagrams on the board. Turn left and you will see another illustration and a computer that switches to the car.

Go to the other side of the room, check the board and read the newspaper on the table. Use the second switch.

Quantum Break

You will find a second computer behind the car on the left side. At the end of the room, in the corner, there are some notes.

Quantum Break

Return to the car on the right side of the pool. You will find more notes and the source of the chronon in the workshop.

You should have all the secrets now. Follow Beth to the pool, inside the car. There is a switch that can be used to reset the machine. Pull the lever next to Nick / Amy and use the key on the terminal on the right side of the entrance. Install the latest computer and complete Act 2.

Act 2, Transition 2

Quantum Break

You are Paul again. Follow the Hatch, but first go to the table and collect the only available secret - Paul's computer.

Quantum Break

You have a difficult decision to make:

Personal - improve your relationship with Jack as he found Will's time machine.
Business - Don't waste time with your old friend and focus on the leading Monarch corporation.

The decisions will not directly affect the gameplay. However, you will notice some differences in the cut-scenes, especially when it comes to the personal option (you will get an additional scene with dialogue between Jack and Paul).

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