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Choosing a faction in Elex


Once you start playing Elex, you will soon find out that there are three main factions in the game: Berserkers, Outcasts and Clerics. This guide provides an overview of all factions to help players determine which one suits them best.


Choosing a faction in Elex

The first faction that you will meet in Elex, and which corresponds to the most traditional archetype of a medieval fantasy character. Berserkers live in lush forests - mostly in Edan. They focus on breeding and cultivation, hoping to one day transform the rest of the Magalan Desert into thriving woodlands.

Berserkers are adepts in magic, so if you plan on using spells regularly then this is the best faction. Spells allow berserkers to heal wounds and summon magical creatures, and even enchant certain weapons. During combat, berserkers mainly use axes for close combat, bow and arrows for ranged attacks, and magic spells for extra support.


Choosing a faction in Elex

If you want to be a skilled gunsmith, then the Rogue faction is your choice. Dwelling in the Tavar desert, they welcome anarchy and absolutely do not follow other people's rules, especially berserkers. Outcasts are guided by their freedom to accept any challenge.

This faction is great for those looking for more firepower. They have a skill that allows them to use (non-plasma) rifles. In addition, Rogues have the ability to craft items at workbenches, which means you can craft your own ammo and weapons, as well as disassemble items for parts. The Outcasts are scavengers by nature, making them the ideal faction for the post-apocalyptic world of the game.


Choosing a faction in Elex

If you prefer to use more high-tech ranged weapons, such as plasma rifles, then choose the Clerics. As followers of Calaan, the clerics believe that the physical consumption of the resource "Eleks" is a sin, and therefore they decided to use it as a source of energy for their weapons. This faction uses advanced technology and psi abilities, not magic.

Clerics use melee and ranged weapons, including laser and plasma rifles, energy swords and shields, and even a flamethrower. Choose this faction if you prefer a more fantastic fantasy rather than a medieval one.


Choosing a faction in Elex

While the Albs are not a united faction, they are worthy of being mentioned. In fact, these are the same Clerics on steroids, only instead of steroids here is Elex. The Albs were once part of the brotherhood of the Clerics, but due to the overconsumption of Elex, they lost their humanity, turning into ruthless machines. The Albs live in the mountains of Xakor, seeking to capture Magalan and thereby control the use of Elex.

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