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Elex Walkthrough Tips

  • The game starts in the ruins located in Edan - this place is marked point 1 on the picture.
  • Coming out of the ruins, Jax meets Duras, who invites him to go to the village of Golit. Agree with his proposal because you have nothing to lose. Together with Duras, you can easily kill the first monsters. During your trip to Goliet, you can stop at the location marked point 2... There you will find a small quest in which you have to find the weapons of the clerics. In the later stages of the game, this location will become your team's camp.
  • Reach Goliet on your own or with Duras. This place is the headquarters of the Berserkers - point 3 on the map. This is a great chance to complete the first few side quests. You can work for all three factions before deciding to join one of them. In addition to being able to complete several quests, Goliet allows you to find your first companion, Duras.

    A warning: Try to avoid quests from Golitz, in which you must visit dangerous areas of Edan or defeat powerful enemies. You can go through them later, when you reach, for example, level 15-20.

  • After that, you can go to another big city. Your choice - Domed City or Fort. The City under the Dome is located in Abes, which is northwest of Goliet - point 4... During your journey, you should stay away from the Edan converter, just like all other converters (marks X on the map). Inside and outside each of the converters, you will find powerful enemies that can only be killed by a high level character. The domed city offers many new quests. Most of them are lightweight, allowing you to get multiple levels. In addition, here you can take Kazha into your team.
  • The second city that you can visit is called "Fort at Tavara" - this place is the headquarters of the Outcasts. If you decide to go there, you must first travel north of Goliet and reach the Sand Pines Motel - point 5 on the map. There you can find Ray, who can be easily recruited into the team. After that, you can head southeast towards point 6... This place offers you many new quests.
  • Istok Village is a smaller place that is associated with one of the main quests in the game. It is located on the border between Abessa and Edan - point 7... The best way to get to it is from the City Under the Dome. The Source gives you the opportunity to complete several quests that will reward you with a lot of experience points.
  • After spending enough time in the Dome and Fort City, you might consider visiting the last big city in the game. This place, called Hort, is located in Ignadon (point 8) and is the headquarters of the clerics. Ignadon is inhabited by strong monsters, so walking there is dangerous. Luckily for you, you don't need to do this, because by opening the teleporter next to the Domed City, you can teleport directly to Hort. Thanks to this, you can easily reach the city, which is best visited by a strong character.
    Elex Walkthrough Tips

    Additional Information:

  • A snowy land called Xacor located in the north (big X picture) should be ignored until you reach the later stages of the story. There are no friendly cities. Instead, you will find many powerful enemies that can be a real problem for a character below level 20-25.
  • You can travel from city to city using the main roads or by walking through the desert. Both methods are fine, but the second requires you to use a jetpack. Almost every journey means that you will be fighting monsters. However, you can avoid many of them by using fast running and jetpack. Don't worry about your companion, because even if they are left far behind, they will teleport back to Jax.

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