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How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex


The Big Bang is a giant machine that is one of the bosses in Elex. You will encounter him during the quest of the same name, which you will receive from Duke Logan in the Fort (Rogue headquarters). The fight with this boss will be a little more difficult than with all the others. You cannot weaken an enemy using only standard attacks. Instead, you should get a little creative.

How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex

The battle with this boss will take place after you have been sent to find Konrad (after finding all the parts needed to create the bomb). You will reach the Ruins of the Dome, where you need to be careful as powerful enemies such as Moloch and the Dragon roam the slopes at the base.

Your goal is to get to the destroyed dome shown in the picture before you jump into the "arena". Save your game and make sure you have good weapons or attacks (magic, etc.) Plasma and laser rifles are great for ranged combat. After you enter the dome, a cutscene will begin, during which you learn that Konrad created the Big Bang robot. You must defeat this giant machine alone (your companion is sent back to the team's camp).

How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex

Do not try to attack the giant levitating machine because it is protected by a force field. Use nearby walls to avoid his energy attacks. You should also watch out for his powerful ground strikes (don't stand next to him).

Use the LSR-T laser blaster (shown in the picture).

How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex

How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex

Wait a while for a smaller robot called the Big Bang Workshop to emerge from the levitating robot. He always goes to one of the nearby Elexite deposits and starts mining it. Attack him while he is in the air (screenshot 1), or use melee attacks when he is low enough (screenshot 2). Also, you must constantly move when the smaller robot is mining Eleksite, because the larger one will throw explosive charges - stay away from them.

How to kill the Big Bang boss in Elex

Destroying the Workshop allows you to move on to the second stage of the battle. Here, a large levitating robot will use a flamethrower. If you don't have armor and abilities that increase your fire resistance, you shouldn't let the boss get close to you. Use ranged attacks to weaken the car. Keep attacking the Big Bang until the boss loses all health.

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