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Where to find all merchants in Elex


In the table below you will be able to see the location of all the merchants available on Elex. The middle column tells what they are selling.

Note: the assortment of some merchants may change throughout the game. This is due to the fact that after joining a faction, new items may appear.

First name Product Location
Caldrim Potions, potion recipes and jewelry Goliet
Sinda Food, potions and weapons Goliet
Oran Alcohol, food and potions Goliet
Alric Armor, potions and lockpicks Goliet
Armor merchant Armor, weapons, shields and materials for crafting Goliet
Arms dealer Weapons and shields Goliet
Dealer Weapons, grenades, jewelry and potions Source
Fenck Spells and recipes for potions City under the Dome
Vito Alcohol, potions and food City under the Dome
Riley Alcohol and potions City under the Dome
Bartender Alcohol, food and potions Fort
Hank Alcohol, food and potions Fort
Merchant Armor, grenades, food and recipes for crafting boosters Fort
Weasel Potions and materials for crafting Fort
Dock Amplifier chemicals and recipes Fort
Camp master Weapons, armor, ammo and jewelry Fort
Arms dealer Weapons, ammo and potions Fort
Weasel Potions and materials for crafting Tavlar Desert
Rider Food, trophies and bolts Tavlar Desert
Xander Armor, potions, and jewelry crafting blueprints Hort
Siegfield Potions, Jewelry and Crafting Materials Hort
Armor Master Weapons, armor, ammo and jewelry Hort
Martha Food, alcohol and potions Hort
Levin Food, trophies, cartridges and grenades Hort
Ferdinand Food, potions and ammo Hort
Hagen Weapons and ammo Hort



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02681681 Trainer / Trader


Where to find all merchants in Elex

City under the Dome

Where to find all merchants in Elex


Where to find all merchants in Elex


Where to find all merchants in Elex

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