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Elex Guide - how to enter the City under the Dome


Make your way to the camp, which is right in front of the bridge to the City under the Dome, and talk to the Hunter - you will find out that Vic has fake IDs to enter the city, but they haven't seen him for a while. Follow the quest and reach the house located on the hill.

Elex guide - how to enter the city of Domed

Several mutant rats are standing in front of the house, so get ready for battle. Inside you will find Vic and his companions, they are all dead. Search him and get fake IDs. Return to the camp where you got the quest and talk to the Hunter again. You will receive two IDs - one for you and the other for their friend in the Domed City (you must bring it to him).

Elex guide - how to enter the city of Domed

Then you must head to the city gates and talk to the guard. Now you have two options: you can show him your ID or tell the guard that forgeries are being created right outside the city walls. If you choose the first option, the guard will start asking you questions about how you got your pass - the correct answer is "It belongs to my brother, he lent it to me."

Elex guide - how to enter the city of Domed

Choosing other options means you have to pay 500 Elex. If you decide to tell the guard about fakes, he will be grateful for this information and will also allow you to enter.

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