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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 10


Guide update: November 21 2019 years

The key tactic in the passage of the ninth chapter of Archero is to reboot the bosses. Otherwise, the passage will become more difficult.

The secret is to force close the application. When you return to the game and confirm that you want to continue, you will find yourself in front of the door to the boss room. DO NOT go through the door - instead force close the app a second time. When you return to the game and resume the passage, go through the door and another boss should be waiting for you. However, although the monster / boss will restart as new, your health will remain the same.


Giant Reaper (Tier 5)

If you are just getting started with Chapter 10, chances are you will linger on it for a while; it was the boss who gave me the impression that I was stuck in this chapter for a long time.

Stand on the opposite left / right wall from the boss, just above / below the line with him when he stops to attack. As soon as he releases projectiles, go to the line where the boss is (for example, if you are standing 1-2 rows higher, move down).

This is the best position because as the projectiles move in a horizontal length, they return to the boss and disappear immediately.

Be careful not to move too much during the boss attack, especially if you are in close range, because one of the projectiles will hit you. To be safe, ideally run to the opposite wall so you have the largest space between each of the three projectiles.

If the boss's projectile bounces off the corner right at you, you must get ahead of it and dodge in the opposite direction, especially if you are pinned against a wall. This is difficult to explain (since then I had a premonition of projectiles that I cannot explain in words), but if you keep running in the same direction as the ricochet projectile and the boss turns towards you, the projectile will go back to the boss and, will likely hit you, especially if you are trapped by a wall.

Twin Giant Bombers (Stages 10/15)

Since the enemy bombs are moving very slowly, if you start at one wall and continue to move in a circle, you can dodge horizontal fire as the projectiles will not reach you on the opposite wall. Very similar to the strategy for the final boss in chapter 8.

Just make sure the bombs are in the air and don't stand in the middle of the map for too long - otherwise the bombs will explode in the center and the horizontal flames will reach both the left and right walls.

If you see a lot of bombs going in your direction, then you need to start actively dodging in a circle again.

If there is a pause during the bombardment (that is, you do not see bombs directed in your direction), stand still and gain power to strike per second.

If you have a scythe, you can knock the boss into a corner. This will keep the projectiles in the air longer before exploding on the ground, giving you more time to attack and then dodge.

Double Blue Flying Beetles (Stages 10/15)

This is the boss I always restarted. He gave me a lot of nerves in Chapter 9, and now there are two of them ... If you have a strategy for fighting him, please share in the comments.

  • User tactics Master and margarita: snuggle against the bottom wall, and move a little left-right. When they shoot not with machine guns, but with a triple shot, you can go up a little.
  • User tactics Steve: I stand at the edge of the wall (I have knives in my weapon) and follow that. how the shards move. The main point is to follow and stand exactly between the flying debris, and snuggle against the extreme wall. Sometimes you need to squeeze into a corner, and then according to the situation. They are fairly lightweight and do not cause any particular problems.
  • User tactics Alarik: you need to keep practically in the corner. Projectiles that arrive at the wall from the left / right will release 2 fragments far to the left / right. Those shells that arrive at the bottom, sometimes just disappear altogether. The main thing is to vary when the projectile is flying exactly at you. Into the corner. But here everything is simple - you need to carefully run to another corner.

    Final Boss Dragon (Stage 20)

    Stand in the lower left corner as in chapter 3 и chapter 6... You may need to move a little sometimes, so just focus. You are not allowed to die here because a) it would take forever to get back to stage 20, and b) because that would be a careless and stupid mistake.

    The exploding debris does not necessarily fly in your direction. Dodge slightly to the side between the projectiles from the aforementioned angle

    Two or three lines of bouncing shards do not necessarily fly in your direction. Sometimes the space between each line of debris is very tight. I have never encountered this before, but it seems to me that it is better to completely destroy the line of shells, because it is long enough, and the next shots will definitely hit you.

    Where raindrops fall, weak circles appear on the ground for a while, so be sure to keep an eye on them (at least when the boss isn't attacking).

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    1. After Chapter 7, not a single location was a big problem. Now I've been sitting for two weeks at 11. I read your guides after I reached arena 10 :-) If I had read it earlier, I would have learned a lot of useful information from what I had to find out myself. Chapter 10 and two flies, Not difficult to complete! You need to keep practically in the corner. Projectiles that arrive at the wall from the left / right will release 2 fragments far to the left / right. Those shells that arrive at the lower part sometimes just disappear altogether. The main thing is to vary when the projectile flies exactly at you. Into the corner. But here everything just needs to be carefully run across to another corner. 🙂 Nothing complicated.

    2. This is the boss I always restarted. He gave me a lot of nerves in Chapter 9, and now there are two of them ... If you have a strategy for fighting him, please share in the comments.

      for beetles I use the following tactics:
      1. I stand at the edge of the wall, I have knives in my weapon and I follow how the fragments move, the main point is to follow and stand exactly between the splinters and press against the extreme wall, sometimes you need to squeeze into a corner, and there, according to the situation, they fairly lightweight and do not cause any particular problems

    3. Double blue beetles seemed easier to me than bombers, but in terms of mega tactics, you just put it pressed against the bottom wall and move a little to the left to the right when they shoot not machine guns, but with a triple whistle you can go up the whole tactics a little.

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