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Archero Walkthrough - Chapter 3


The third chapter of Archero introduces waves of enemies into the game: instead of going through one level after another, you will find yourself in a room where you must kill several waves of monsters. Each wave has a timer, so if you don't complete the previous wave before it kicks in, the next wave will appear! As soon as you go through all the waves, you will gain experience and open access to the Angel.

Skill selection and general advice


- Ricochet (not really against the final boss)
- Multishot
- Front boom
- Jumping arrow
- Tornado
- Diagonal arrows
- Increased attack
- Increased attack speed
- Chance of critical damage
- Increased health
- Flash
- Star of Invincibility and / or Shield Guard (can help against the Dragon boss)


  • In the middle of the level, always try to take improvement from the Angel, not health (it should only be taken if it is a matter of life and death). Thing is, you'll get the heal right in front of the boss, so hopefully you can hold out until then. In addition, you can sometimes get random healing from an enemy you kill.
  • Always be very careful with level hazards like spikes. While they are usually fairly easy to avoid, sometimes they are positioned in such a way that you take unnecessary damage. Walk around them slowly!
  • Focus on dodging, not attacking. Better to focus on maneuvering between projectiles and enemies in order to maintain your health.
  • Always try to accept the Devil's offer. It's a pretty valuable ability, and if it offers a not-so-bad option, you should always try to use it. Personally, I don't take the Water Walking and Wall Walking abilities. They're not bad, but I don't find them super useful.
  • Use the water on the map to escape from melee enemies. They will have to go around these obstacles to get to you, and this will give them time to deal a lot of damage before they do it.
  • Try to kill as many monsters as possible as quickly as possible, since you don't need extra waves of enemies.

    Common enemies

    The third chapter combines the enemies from the previous two stages. You should be very familiar with all of them, but if not, then their description is below.

  • Stone Elementals: fire multiple shells wherever they are. It's pretty easy to dodge them - just look for free areas.
  • Blue Stone Elementals: Very similar to the regular version, but throws more projectiles.
  • Common Ghost Trees: Bounce in the air and fall, firing projectiles from the front, back, left and right. It's pretty easy to dodge them.
  • Blue / gray version of Ghost Trees: similar to the regular version, but also attacks diagonally.
  • Green slime: Simple melee monsters that randomly roam the map. They don't target you, so you just need to kill them quickly.
  • Red slime: Very similar to the green version, but when you reduce its health, several green slugs appear in place of the enemy!
  • The bats: Just hover in the air for a while, then aim and attack you. Just stay away from them if you can.
  • Ghost bombers: are thrown by single bombs. Pretty easy to dodge, but the bomb explosion has a small radius that deals damage.
  • Phantom Red Bombers: Similar to the regular version, but drops multiple bombs.
  • Purple stationary plants: Locks into your current position and then attacks in that direction. Just wait for them to aim and then get out of the way.
  • Skeleton Archers: These are the same archers you fought in the first chapter. They aim at you with a thin red beam and in a second they will shoot an arrow based on this red line in a second they will attack. If there are multiple archers, look for a spot between the red lines to hide.
  • Archers with ricocheting arrows: the strategy is similar to the previous one, you just need to more actively look for the gaps between the red lines.
  • Blue spiders: Similar to the green slugs from Chapter XNUMX, but slightly more muscular and quick to move. Spiders are not aggressive, so just try to stay away from them.
  • Hidden plants: I don’t know what to call these monsters, but they are brown, hide underground and pop up to attack you. The best way to deal with them is to stand a little and let them aim at you. After that, immediately move away from the flying red balls. It's also important to note that their projectiles fly through walls.
  • Purple spotted plants: Once they see you, they will aim very quickly and you will see a red line that they are going to shoot at. These enemies shoot a little faster than the archers from the first chapter, so find a safe place faster. After firing, they need a little time to reload, so it's time to attack.
  • Tornado skeletons: These monsters shoot tornadoes that go left and right horizontally from the enemy's location. They will actively try to track you, attacking left and right all the time. However, the walls are blocking their attacks, so hide behind the side walls.
  • Green snakes: melee monsters that aim and attack swiftly. Try to stay as far away from them as possible.
  • Purple crocodiles: rather large and bulky creatures that breathe fire. However, their flames have a certain radius, so try to define it. Once the crocodile attacks, it cannot move, so you can easily attack it.
  • Yellow skeletons: Standard melee enemies that split into two more skeletons after the first kill.


  • Big bat: behaves just like her little colleague. The enemy first takes aim at you and then lunges forward, so it's easy to dodge their attack. The difference is that the boss also fires several green projectiles in a spiral. To avoid damage, you will need to dodge them, as well as the boss itself. Take your time and only shoot a few projectiles at a time.
  • 2 Large Hidden Plants: the giant plant returns, and this time it has brought its buddy. They all have the same attacks that you saw earlier: this is a ball of fire that leaves fire on the ground; polygonal projectile; and then just a bunch of shells. Try to stay close to one of them and try to move around it to avoid attacks from the other.
  • 2 Large stationary plants: in fact, these are purple plants from the first chapter that do not move and shoot fire projectiles. The difference is that they are huge in boss form and throw a ton of red projectiles at you. Stay as far away from them as possible and also focus on damage to only one of them. You must kill one of the plants as quickly as possible so that you have cause for concern.
  • The Dragon: This is the hardest and final boss of the chapter. If you do not have enough health before heading into battle, do not forget to take the healer from the Angel. The dragon takes up most of the room, so you have to constantly move and stand on your tiptoes. He throws all-round lightning bolts, similar to the lightning turrets from Chapter XNUMX. They are fairly easy to dodge, the hardest part being the other attacks.

    The dragon will launch a whole wall of lightning, which will descend towards you. There are several gaps in between, so you'll need to walk right through them to stay unscathed. Keep an eye on the farthest part of the room, and you can see where the gaps are slightly ahead of time.

    Another attack is small fireballs that will bounce around the room. Try to dodge them, otherwise you will get a lot of damage.

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      1. This is one of the first chapters, compared to the next, everything is quite simple here.

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