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Pokemon GO Guide. How many candies do you need for evolution?


In Pokemon GO, your main goal is to catch a Pokemon, power up and evolve it, and then fight for gyms. In this guide, you will find out how many candies are needed for each Pokémon to evolve and into what form they evolve.

Xnumx candy
Caterpie - Metapod
Weedl - Kakuna
Pigi - Pigiotto

Xnumx candy
Bulbasaur - Ivizaur
Charmander - Chameleon
Squirtle - Wartortle
Rattata - Ratikat
Nidoran - Nidorina
Nidoran (male) - Nidorino
Oddish - Glum
Polivag - Polivirl
Abra - Kadabra
Machop - Machok
Bellsparuth - Vipinbell
Geodud - Graveler
Gastly - Honter
Evie - One of (Vaporeon, Jolteon, Flareon)
Dratini - Dragonair

Xnumx candy
Metapod - Butterfly
Kakuna - Bidrill
Pigiotto - Pidgeot
Spyrow - Firow
Ekans - Arbok
Pikachu - Raichu
Sandshrew - Sandslash
Clefair - Clefable
Vulpix - Nighthales
Jiglipuff - Wiglitaff
Zubat - Golbat
Paras - Parasect
Venonat - Venomot
Diglett - Dagtrio
Meowth - Persian
Psydak - Goldak
Monkey - Prime
Growlith - Arcanine
Tentakul - Tentacruel
Ponita - Rapidash
Slopok - Slobro
Magnemite - Magneton
Dodo - Dodrio
Seal - Dyugong
Make-up artist - Muck
Shellder - Clouter
Drosie - Gpino
Crabby - Kingler
Volthorbe - Electrode
Exegkut - Exeggutor
Cubon - Marovac
Coffing - Vizing
Rayhorn - Raydon
Horsey - Sidra
Goldin - Siking
Old - Starmay
Omanit - Omastar
Kabuto - Kabutops

Xnumx candy
Ivizaur - Venusaurus
Chameleon - Charizard
Wartortl - Blastoise
Nidorina - Nidokvin
Nidorino - Nidoking
Glum - Wilplum
Polivirl - Polirat
Kadabra - Alakazam
Machok - Machamp
Whippinbell - Victribell
Graveler - Golem
Honter - Gengar
Dragonair - Dragonite

Xnumx candy
Magikarp - Gyarados

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