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Graveyard Keeper - Tips and Tricks for Beginners


In this guide, you will learn basic tips for newcomers to Graveyard Keeper, which are about church, corpses and technology.

General Tips

  • Use sleep whenever you are low on energy, as this is the best way to restore it.
  • If your character is very tired and cannot get home, then you must eat some food to restore energy.
  • Many people are unaware of this, but the game saves progress while sleeping.
  • The durability of the tools you use depends on the type of operations you perform with them, so you must repair or replace them.

    Church Tips

  • As soon as possible, open a combo prayer and create it - this will increase your income and the flow of faith.
  • Check the sign on the left side of the church. So you talk to the inquisitor and accept his friendship, and next time give him 20 firewood in exchange for a new burial site.
  • Open the church workbench - this will significantly increase the number of points.
  • Complete preaching is one of your main sources of income.

    Corpse Tips

  • Your donkey will bring corpses until the morgue is full.
  • Each body has a time limit, so always try to inspect them as quickly as possible.
  • To increase the decay time of a corpse, create pallets in the morgue.
  • Corpses have three ratings, which are represented by white, red and green skulls. White is the best, red is average, and green is the worst. The best strategy is to avoid the green color and examine corpses with white skulls first, then bodies with more white skulls and then red ones.
  • To increase the rating of a body, open it up.
  • If the corpse is completely decayed, it is best to cremate it.
  • Don't throw dead bodies into the river that leads to the city.

    See also:
    How to rate a corpse

    Technology Tips

  • Some technologies will only open if you complete a specific quest or talk to a specific NPC.
  • There are six different tech trees in the game, but they all use three main points - red, which are handcrafted skills; green, which give knowledge about nature; and blue, which is spiritual / scientific knowledge.
  • At the beginning of the game, open the Building and blacksmith craft.
  • Then you should focus on Theology and Book Writing to get more Blue Science Points.
  • Finally, unlock Alchemy and Farming, which will be required in the later stages of the game.
  • Alchemy can be unlocked by studying the witch in the hills.

    See also:
    How to get Science Points

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