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Graveyard Keeper - Where to Find Stone and Clay



One of the most important resources in the Graveyard Keeper is stone, whose deposits are scattered throughout the map. The stone is used to expand the cemetery, church and create new tools.

  • Where to find the endless stone
    There is a place in the game called "Quarry", which is located right behind the location "Forest by the River". However, in order to get there, you must first clear the blocked passage. This will require 2 wood planks, 4 wood blanks and 4 nails.
    Graveyard Keeper - Where to Find Stone and Clay

    In the quarry, you will find an abandoned hut, and nearby are deposits of various raw materials: stone, iron, marble and coal.

  • How to develop stone processing skills
    You must pump abilities from the "Construction" branch. Thanks to this, you will be able to create, for example, stone walls, crosses and benches.


    Another key resource because Bishop's second quest is to create 20 clay bowls for him. In addition, clay is useful for making and repairing headstones.

  • Where to find endless clay
    You can mine clay from holes in the ground as shown in the screenshot below. They are located at different points on the map, but each of them can be dug up endlessly. The nearest clay deposit is located under the cemetery.
    Graveyard Keeper - Where to Find Stone and Clay

  • What can I create from clay
    To create things from clay, you have to buy glue and then build a potter's wheel. You can put it next to your house and make clay bowls on it, which will require clay and water to create.

    We add that the glue can be used to create a headstone repair kit. All you have to do is use clay, simple iron pieces, and a piece of stone.

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