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Get Even Guide. How to solve the valve puzzle


You will encounter this puzzle during one of the flashbacks - "Job for Robert Ramsey“Playing as Black. This is the stage where you need to infiltrate the ADS headquarters and steal the Corner Gun.

Immediately after you begin the memory, hot steam will block your way. Go to all the valves in turn and turn them:

Get Even Guide. How to solve the valve puzzle

  • Each valve must be turned to the right.
  • If the valve has turned to the left, interact with it again and turn it to the right (turning the valve to its original position).
  • Once all the valves are properly adjusted, the hot steam will disappear and all you have to do is move on.
    Get Even Guide. How to solve the valve puzzle

    Note: There is an alternative passage. You can use the pistol and destroy the castle shown in the screenshot above. However, if you do this, you will not unlock the Call the Plumber achievement (distracting the guards from the ADS headquarters by sabotaging the wastewater treatment system).

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