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Get Even Guide. How to turn on the elevator at FDG headquarters


This guide describes how to activate the elevator at the FDG headquarters. You will have to solve this puzzle during "Meetings with Rose“Playing as Black.

Get Even Guide. How to turn on the elevator at FDG headquarters

Get Even Guide. How to turn on the elevator at FDG headquarters

You can turn on the elevator if you adjust the nine levers correctly (they are located in the boxes on the wall. Each box has three levers). Don't try to do it yourself. Instead, search the room for advice.

Figure 1 shows the first part of the information - about the energy consumption of individual parts of the mechanism. Screenshot 2 shows additional help. It explains how to adjust the levers to power specific mechanisms.

Get Even Guide. How to turn on the elevator at FDG headquarters

In addition, each box has its own current tolerance. This information is presented above the levers (see example in the screenshot). The left box has a limit 2000 W, average 10000 W, and the right one - 5000 W... You cannot exceed the limit, as this cell will not be charged and sparks will appear.

Get Even Guide. How to turn on the elevator at FDG headquarters

The key to success is setting up mechanisms, not overloading boxes. Solutions in my case (your scenario may be different):

  • The left box can handle 2000W, so it needs to be connected to the elevator door (it requires 1000W). Correct setting of levers for this mechanism: down, up, up.
  • The middle drawer can handle 10000 watts, so it needs to be combined with the trigger icon (8000 watts required). Correct setting of levers for this mechanism: up, down, up.
  • The right box can handle 5000W, so it needs to be connected with a lightning bolt icon (3000W required). Correct setting of levers for this mechanism: down, down, up.

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