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Dead By Daylight Assassins Guide: Best Perks and Improvements


Hunter (The Trapper)

Hunter in Dead By Daylight

A killer who uses bear traps to catch victims. It focuses on physical attributes and uses strength and fear. He also has the fastest speed in the game. The bear traps completely stop the survivors. but at the same time they are easy to destroy with certain tools, so it is better to hide the traps in hard-to-reach places, such as grass or behind stones. The best tactic for the hunter is to trap someone, not kill him, but lure the other victims with the help of the unfortunate one.

The best skills (perks) of the Hunter

  • Brutal power - Allows you to quickly destroy barricades.
  • Corruption: doom - Increases the time it takes for a survivor to build a generator; makes it easy to set up traps.
  • Handyman - Increases trap sabotage time.
  • Thanatophobia - All survivors have a reduced healing or repair rate for each hanged, dying or injured survivor.
  • Whisper - Great for finding survivors.

    Optimal improvements

    - Protective gloves
    - Bag for traps
    - Traps
    - Tools


    Ghost in Dead By Daylight

    An assassin who can turn invisible. The Invisible Ghost moves faster, however, after he becomes visible, all survivors find out his location, and the Ghost itself cannot move for a while. Also, in a state of invisibility, this killer cannot interact with anything and can be stopped with the help of lanterns.

    Best skills (perks) of the Ghost

  • Call of the Nurse - Allows you to find out where the survivors were healed, after which you can become invisible and go to that place.
  • Brutal power - Allows you to quickly pass through the barricades
  • Play with your victim - Allows you to move faster and better chase survivors.

    Optimal improvements

    - "Swift Hunt" - soot
    - "Swift Hunt" - mud
    - "Swift Hunt" - white paint
    - "Hurricane" - blood


    Redneck in Dead By Daylight

    A chainsaw maniac who can finish off a victim with one blow. It is a very fast and versatile assassin, capable of easily destroying barricades and dealing damage with two different types of weapons. However, keep in mind that the chainsaw is very difficult to control.

    Best Perks of the Villagers

  • Call of the Nurse - Allows you to find out the place where the survivors were healed.
  • Deer hunter - Allows you to inflict fatal damage to one survivor and immediately deal with another.
  • Handyman - Works great with a chainsaw.
  • Whisper - will allow you to detect survivors by the sound of the chainsaw.

    Optimal improvements

    - Chainsaw file
    - Depth gauge
    - Homemade muffler
    - Squeeze pump
    - Spark plug


    Nurse in Dead By Daylight

    A slow calculating killer who uses her superpower to quickly move around the location using the spirit world to hunt for victims. An experienced nurse can use her many times in a row, making her almost invulnerable. But this is very difficult, so one wrong step and you will be easily discovered.

    Best Nursing Perks

  • Nurse call - Excellent opportunity to track down victims who may have escaped.
  • Bloodhound - Another skill to help you track down survivors.
  • Wheezing - Great for finding out where the survivors were healed.
  • Whisper - Also helps to track down victims.

    Optimal improvements

    - Disturbed breathing
    - Shabby Bracelet
    - Metal spoon
    - Pocket watch
    - White comb from nits


    Shadow in Dead By Daylight

    A killer maniac that's great for stealth. To catch the victim, he uses the "Pure Evil" ability, with the help of which he hides his presence, moves quickly and inflicts death damage on survivors. However, it has a slow speed and is not well suited for a chase.

    Best Shadow Perks

  • Nurse call - Allows you to find out where the victims were healed, and descend there.
  • Brutal power - Helps to better overcome barricades
  • Surveillance and punishment - Increases terror radius, making you almost invisible.
  • Whisper - Great for locating survivors and allowing you to sneak up on them.

    Optimal improvements

    - Dead rabbit
    - Monument to J. Myers
    - Memorial flower
    - Piece of tombstone


    Witch in Dead By Daylight

    The basics of playing the Witch are centered around hex totems. With their help, you can curse the survivors and undermine their abilities. The curse lasts until the survivors find the totem and destroy it. The witch is a very slow killer, but her traps allow her to teleport directly to her prey.

    The best skills (perks) of the Witch

  • Nurse call - Allows you to better find victims.
  • Brutal power - Allows you to quickly destroy barricades
  • Corruption: doom - Survivors will take longer to repair generators.
  • Surveillance and punishment - Another perk that works well with the Witch's smaller terror radius.

    Optimal improvements

    - Cypress necklace
    - Dirt from a dead fly
    - Crushed eggshell
    - Rope necklace


    Doctor in Dead By Daylight

    A ruthless killer who terrorizes his victims. He uses electroconvulsive therapy, causing the survivors to go crazy. The doctor can shock survivors to increase his madness. But at the same time it has a slow speed; he is also too dependent on perks and enhancements.

    The best skills (perks) of the Doctor

  • Intolerance - Increases movement speed.
  • Brutal power - Allows you to break down barricades faster.
  • Distressing - Significant radius of ability to instill fear in victims.
  • Overload - Works great with the Doctor's playstyle.

    Optimal improvements

    - Calmness
    - Moldy electrode
    - Order
    - Polished electrode

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