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Dead By Daylight Guide. Tips for assassins and survivors


If you do not know your enemies in Dead By Daylight, death can come very quickly, so that you don't even notice. The situation in the game can change almost instantly, so our guide will not immediately make you a better player, but it will certainly help analyze what you did wrong.

Whether you're playing as a brutal assassin or a terrified survivor, our Dead By Daylight guide has something for every character.

In this guide, you will learn how to continue to survive, how to become a brutal killer, and other minor tips.

The Trapper
When playing the Trapper, the main goal is to place traps. You should always place them where they are not visible - for example, in the grass, or using special add-ons.

A few easy trap spots: near generators, near windows, near hatches, and near entry points. If you find yourself inside a building, place traps near the windows.

If you are playing on the side of the survivor against the Trapper, you must move very slowly and carefully in the first place. This will allow you to defuse traps before you step on them and reveal your location. There are gadgets that will allow you to find traps, and a set of tools to destroy them.

The Wraith
You need to make sure that you don't change your position often and learn the full advantage of an ambush. This way you can better observe the environment.

When you are in cover, you will be able to use invisibility. Also, watch out for potential escape routes for your victim and be prepared to prevent it!

It should be noted that the Ghost is never completely invisible and cannot attack while moving or in a state of invisibility. Your flashlight will not only stun him, but make him visible for a while.

Your chainsaw is your best friend, so use it as much as possible! You can use running to cover a greater distance, strike unexpectedly, prevent an escape, or simply panic the victim.

In addition, it is worth noting that with the help of a chainsaw, you can quickly cut through wood. You should also use your chainsaw when checking on trapped survivors to prevent possible attempts to ask for help.

When playing against a Hillbilly, you must make sure there are objects between you, such as rocks, trees, boxes, etc. Also, never run in a straight line.

Basic tips for assassins
You need to check the generators partly and see if there are survivors nearby. In the role of the Trapper, you need to mark traps nearby and wait nearby.

Instead of being in the center, try to stick to the walls. This will allow you to catch survivors by surprise. During the chase, try to predict the movement of the survivors in order to be more efficient.

It is also necessary to constantly check nearby objects and make sure that no one is behind you.

You will receive several audio clues that will inform you of the potential location of nearby survivors. Audio keys generators, chests, crows, etc. will tell you everything you need to know! Also look for hatches.

Basic tips for survivors
When it comes to repairing generators, try not to do it in one go, let the killer give away his location.

While this applies to assassins and survivors, the holes in the walls allow you to see what is happening on the other side. This will allow you to avoid captivity if you are careful!

If you managed to avoid the trap and you did not see that the killer left the area, but the rapid heartbeat stopped, this means that he is still hiding motionless in the corner and waiting for the right moment to attack.

No doubt killers are bad, but crows are just an abomination. They can give your position no matter where you are - outside behind a drawer or inside a closet. Therefore, it is important to know where they are and bypass them so as not to give the killer unnecessary evidence.

Finally, if you find the killer directly behind you and there are no objects nearby, try to dodge the blow by quickly walking to the side. This will buy you some time.

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