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Civilization 6 - the best factions to win


There are 6 factions and leaders in Civilization 19, each with their own unique traits. This means that some are better for certain victory conditions than others.

Cultural victory

The first civilization wins, the total number of visiting tourists of which is greater than domestic tourists.

This type of victory is very similar to the victory in Civilization V after the release of the Gods & Kings expansion. Your goal is to construct noteworthy buildings that attract tourists to the area, as well as interact carefully with other factions to avoid having to invest in a war.

Best faction

  1. Qin Shi Huang, China
Civilization VI
 The main features of the faction: 
  • The first emperor. After constructing Ancient and Classic Wonders, you will be able to spend construction fees to complete 15% of the original cost of the wonder. Builders receive an additional fee.
  • Great Wall. Provides a boost to defense. Gives a bonus to gold if it is next to other segments. Gives additional culture and tourism if you have leveled the appropriate technology tree. Should be built in a line along the borders of your empire.

Second place: Egypt

Domination victory

You will win if your capital is the last one.

This is a combat victory that is best for players who love thrills and war. For the most part, it is about quickly capturing territories at an early stage and an emphasis on the army.

Best faction

  1. Tomiris, Scythia
Civilization VI
 The main features of the faction: 
  • Nomads. Every time you train a light cavalry unit or horse archer, you get a second unit of the same type.
  • The killer of Cyrus. All units gain +5 combat strength when attacking wounded units. When they kill a unit, they receive a health regeneration of up to 50 points.

Second place: England

Religious victory

You win if you make your religion dominant for any other major civilization in the game.

Your job is not only to influence the cities of another nation, but also to subjugate them to your will. You need other civilizations to succumb to your religious presence through pressure. This is achieved through the use of various units, construction of buildings and much more.

Best faction

  1. Saladin, Arabia
Civilization VI
 The main features of the faction: 
  • The Last Prophet. Automatically get the Great Prophet. +1 Science for each foreign city of the next religion in Arabia.
  • Madrasah. Unique building. Grants a Faith bonus based on how close the Campus is to the area.

Second place: India

Scientific victory

You must be the first player to establish a colony on Mars.

Functionally, this victory is very similar to the space race in Civilization V. However, instead of building various parts of a spaceship, your task is to launch a satellite, land a person on the moon, and then establish a colony on Mars. Achieving this goal requires large investments in science in order to discover the necessary technologies.

Best faction

  1. Trajan, Rome
Civilization VI
 The main features of the faction: 
  • All roads lead to. All cities that you founded or conquered start with a trading post. If they are within the trade route of the capital, a road is built to it. Your trade routes get +1 gold.
  • Trajan's Column. All cities start with an additional city center building.

Second place: Russia

Victory on points

If no one can win by 2050, the winner is determined by the number of civilization points. Points are awarded for the number of citizens, the population, the number of cities, the number of technologies, the number of "technologies of the future", the number of miracles, military achievements, the number of great people and the number of Beliefs.

This victory does not happen very often, mainly when it comes to a draw. While it mentions many factors, the size of your civilization is decisive, as this usually entails many cities, military posts, and resources to be successful in the tech tree.

Best faction

  1. Mwemba Nzinga, Congo
Civilization VI
 The main features of the faction: 
  • Nkisi. - +2 food, +2 production and +4 gold for each relic, artifact and sculpture of a great work of art in addition to the normal culture. Get double great writer, great artist, great musician and wonderful merchant points. The palace has slots for 5 great pieces.
  • Mbanza. A unique area that can only be built in rainforest or forest. Provides +5 houses, +2 food, and = 4 gold, regardless of attractiveness.

Second place: Rome

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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