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Guide Civilization 6. How to play for Rome


In this guide for Civilization 6 you will learn how to best play as Rome and Emperor Trajan

 Unique features of the faction: 
  • Ability: All roads lead to Rome. Cities start with a trading post, and those near your capital will get a free road. leading to them.
  • Unit: Legion. Costly, but he is stronger than the Swordsman. The Legion can also be used as military engineers.
  • Building: Bath (Bath). Provides more convenience and lodging, replaces the Aqueduct.
  • Leader ability: Trajan's Column. Grants an additional City Center for new cities.

Key Features

  • All roads lead to Rome

Trading in the sixth part is not very different from Civilization V: Brave New World. This time, your merchants will lay roads between cities. Rome's aforementioned ability will build trading posts that are critical to trade routes.

Trading posts will automatically appear in the cities that you created or captured. In addition, you can get +1 extra gold for each city that will be on the trade route. The best thing to do is to guide the merchants through as many cities as possible before they reach their destination.

It is about one extra gold for each city the route passes through. The best course of action here is to make traders go through as many cities as possible before they reach their destination.

  • Legion

The Roman legion will replace the swordsman. You can create them by leveling your warriors. The Legion has 40 combat strength and is very useful if you want to tackle the conquest of territories in the early stages.

Note that you can also use Legion to build a limited number of roads and they won't die in the process. Also, be mindful of service costs.

  • Bathroom

Housing is one of the major changes in the new part. The growth of your city depends on the quality and affordability of urban housing.

The Roman Baths building replaces plumbing and uses its own tiles, similar to the City Center and other areas. To build it, you must research the Engineering technology as quickly as possible.

The tiles you will be using should be near a city, river, or any other source of water. This will give you +6 to housing, or +2 if there is already a water source near your city. Also, the Bath increases happiness by 1. Its construction is crucial for increasing your population.

Which victory to choose

Rome's abilities offer rapid growth and advancement in civics, so expect to win the culture and space race. It will take a long time to reach the modern era, but your hard work will pay off.

While playing as the leader Trajan, you will have access to a decent amount of housing, coins and culture. However, veterans of the series may find Trajan too easy a choice to complete. If you want to challenge yourself, try to get a religious victory.

However, it is best to opt for a cultural and scientific victory. Rome's rich history and culture is no different from what we see in the game, so it's best to keep in mind that Rome and Trajan receive bonuses from everything related to culture and wonders. Building classics like the Colosseum will bring you +2 Culture and +3 Amenities in 6 nearby tiles.

Build cities around the Colosseum to get related bonuses.

You must also work on the Bolshoi Theater stage to get +2 Great Writer and Great Musician. Focus on tourism and increase the number of wonders you create. Achieving a cultural victory must be combined with policies that will help you increase your production of miracles.


  • Corvee - at the beginning of the game
  • Gothic architecture - mid game
  • Skyscrapers - in the later stages

At the same time, it is best to achieve a Science Victory by creating campus districts near mountains, as this will give you associated bonuses and points.

If you choose science, Natural Philosophy is the correct economic policy. It will give you twice as many bonuses as usual and more profits from science.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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