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Civilization 6 - diplomacy guide



You should understand that in Civilization 6 all nations have two Agendas. Every leader has both open and hidden agendas. The open agenda is always the same, and to better understand this, let’s consider the example of Pericles, whose agenda is the Delian League.

Pericles dislikes peoples who compete with him for the same city-states as he does. The best advice here would be not to send more of your messengers if you notice Pericles on the map.

At the same time, hidden agendas are random, so they change from time to time. For example, Teddy Roosevelt might have an Environmentalist agenda, so he obviously won't be happy if you chop down trees.

If you are friends with someone who is in conflict with Teddy, it will not be easy to work with both leaders at the same time.

Expansion and other issues

  • AI in the XNUMXth Civilization is irrational, so you should not expect rational actions from it
  • Everyone is engaged in fulfilling their own goals and agendas
  • Your neighbors depend on your decisions
  • Moving the settler tile in the direction of your neighbor will cause him to be alarmed
  • Focus on trade and production rather than constantly expanding your lands
  • Allies will send spies that affect production

How to build a good relationship

If you want to get allies, you must give them gifts. For starters, be polite and contact the other nation with a trade delegation.

Enemy countries, if they want to trade with you, will do so at a higher price, but at first they will slowly reduce their prices. AI will start to think of you as a good source of investment, which is exactly what you need.

Trading even the smallest things make them rethink their strategy in relation to you. To start building positive relationships with other civilizations, the first thing you need to do is build an embassy in your capital.

The declaration of friendship is not easy to obtain, but it is necessary for diplomatic relations with other nations. If the AI ​​doesn't know you very well, it won't accept your friendship. You have to work towards getting open borders by developing tangible communication lines.

After the borders are open for you, send merchants to the most developed cities and start trading. In case of rejection of aggressive leaders, you must repeat the process with the gift. After that, ask for a Declaration of Friendship followed by a Defense Pact.

In order to strengthen the friendship, you need to offer another gift. Offer something of value, such as luxury, diamonds, etc.

Keep in mind that being friends in Civilization 6 is not easy and must always be maintained. However, keep a close eye on developing strategies for relationship management.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
The only administrator and executor of all affairs on the site.
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