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Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam. Part 1


Find Adam's apartment

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

You start the game while sitting in the car. Rotate the camera to the center of the dashboard and press the red button to select a call. During the conversation, choose any dialogue option - it does not affect how the story unfolds.

You will be asked to sync, so open the status window and click the icon in the picture. Each time you do this, you "clear" the distortion vision that synchrozin uses. Fortunately, this medicine can be replenished while playing. After the synchrozin injection, listen to some more dialogues and wait until you reach the slum where Adam lives.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Go straight and look at the stand on the right where the guard is. During the conversation, you can tell him any of the possible reasons for your visit. Ask the security guard to provide you with information about the location of Grabinski's apartment, and you will find out that the apartment number is 007.

Follow the main corridor, which will lead you to a large courtyard (as you pass by, you can look at the cards hanging on the walls, they will be needed further in the game). Approach the door on the right and take the stairs that lead to apartments 001-017. Go straight, turn right and then left. This will take you to apartment 007.

Investigate the crime scene in apartment 007

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

After entering the apartment, sit down to move forward. Then go to the curved shelf, take the interaction key and move the mouse / stick to the right to set the shelf upright. In the main room of the apartment, you will find a body that you must examine. First turn on electromagnetic vision and scan the two small objects that are marked in the picture above. Also scan the stun baton next to the body.

Now switch to biological vision and use this mode to scan the whole body (this way you will set the approximate time of death) and examine the blood stains around the body, as well as in other parts of the apartment.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Now you can proceed to search the apartment. Explore the location using alternate vision modes, or just use standard vision. You should definitely try to open any closet and drawer you see, as you may find new interactive elements there. The objects you can scan with EM Vision are: processor, motherboard, large cloud server, hologram frame, holo-library, security panel, computer, Chiron ID card lying on the ground, and data storage unit. hidden in the shape shown in the picture above.

Bio-vision can be used to scan a bottle of 45F substance from the refrigerator. In addition, there are three syringes with synchrozin in the apartment: on the table in the main room and two in the bathroom.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

When you try to leave apartment 007, it turns out that the door is locked. Go back to the main part of the room and look behind the panel shown in Figure 1. Slide it to reveal the keyboard, where you must enter a four-digit combination. This is a simple puzzle because there is a book in the apartment called 1984. So enter the code 1984.

Now go to the computer in the central part of the apartment. When you interact with it, you will be able to read two emails and try to intercept the documents (which, however, will fail). Most importantly, open the programs tab and select the gate opening command (Figure 2).

Interview neighbors and identify a visitor

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Neighbor interviews are optional, but you shouldn't skip it, especially since you can go to the terminal to find the woman who called and told about the victim.

To achieve this optional goal, you must use intercoms on the doors of neighboring apartments. Not all neighbors are at home - you can talk to someone in apartments: 008, 006, 005, 003, 002, 009 and 016. During some interrogations you may come across some dialogue options, but they do not have much influence on the outcome of the conversation ...

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

To complete the main objectives of the mission, you must return to the room where the guard was. However, you cannot go through the main door that leads to the stairs because it is locked. Instead, go through the large hole in the wall next to apartment 008. Your goal is to get to the closed door using the code panel next to it. Interact with her and use the hacking ability to learn the code - in our case it was 0446.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Walk forward and follow the narrow corridor to where you started to explore the building (you can call apartment 017, but this is optional). When you enter the security office, examine the large number of syringes and check the guard's computer. You can view all tabs, but the most important is with documents. Open the document shown in the picture above, which shows a list of the inhabitants of the first floor, and you will find that there are two women with the initials NH

Leave the room and a guard will stop you. You must talk to him one more time before you can head to the apartment of interest.

Note: Inside the office there is a picture hidden behind one of the monitors. This is one of 69 secret objects that you can find in the game.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

There are two apartments on the ground floor of the building - use the stairs to get there. One staircase is located at the end of the corridor where the guard is located, but in this case it is better to choose another staircase. To do this, go through the large courtyard and use the same passage you went through to apartment 007.

Approaching the stairs, go to the first floor. Apartment 106 is locked, but you don't need to go inside as the mission objective will update as soon as you get to room 104. Open the door leading to the corridor with apartments 101-104. Walk down the hallway and enter apartment 104.

Explore the apartment and hack Amir Novak's mind

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

This target becomes available immediately upon entering apartment 104, which turns out to be another crime scene. The other mission objective associated with apartment 106 is automatically canceled as you confirm that Elena was the one to call.

After entering the room, you can start by scanning the blood stains and Chiron's second ID card. Open the curtain and go to the main room of the apartment to find the dying Amir Novak. This is the ability to use a mind hacking device. Scan the implant in Amir's head and press the corresponding button to crack it.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

This is the first time you play through a series of scenes that represent another person's memories, or rather, their nightmares (rather chaotic). In this case, looking at Amir's mind does not pose a danger to the protagonist. However, later in the game, in some sequences of this kind, you can suddenly end the adventure and see the Game Over screen.

The journey through Amir's mind is completely linear - every time you reach a destination or listen to a conversation, you are automatically directed to a different scene. A little more problematic is the part shown in the picture above. When you reach it, use only the aisles displayed on the monitors. Later, you will be taken to a room with a shower. Walk up to him to push him away. Fortunately, if you fall, the game will not end - you will simply be returned to stable ground.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

After returning to the real world, it is necessary to perform synchronization, because looking into Amir's consciousness weakened the main character. Before pursuing another main goal, it would be good to complete a new optional task, which is related to the further study of Elena Novak's apartment.

As in the previous situation, use all of the alternate vision modes to make it easier for you to find clues and scan them. Objects you can scan: bloodstains (in multiple locations), speech synthesizer, heart valve (scanning a specific part of Amir's body - picture above), medical inhaler, hair, two holograms, credit card and Computer (you can view emails and summary). The apartment also has a synchronizer and a collectible painting.

Find Elena Novak

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

When you are looking for Helena Novak, you have to follow the trail from Amir Novak's memories - go to a tattoo parlor. As a reminder, the entrance to the living room is in the main courtyard, so you must go down and out of the apartment building. Your destination is shown in the picture above. You can visit the tattoo parlor without any problem.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

After entering the living room, you must first check the main room. There will be a computer (several emails, pictures with tattoos), a voice recorder, a hologram, a cash register and hair - use Bio-vision on them. After that, move the red curtain to the side to get to the next room, where you will find the body of Elena Novak.

Explore a tattoo parlor and hack Elena Novak's mind

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Once you've found Elena, you must start by carefully examining the entire crime scene. Use electromagnetic and biological vision to find and scan all clues. Things you can scan: tattoo machine, ComPass implant and tattoo on Helena's body, Helena's corpse, blood stains (in several places), scratches on the floor, power supply, holo-injector, voice recorder and wireless foot pedal. You can also find syringes with synchrozin and a code panel hidden behind the chair, however you will learn this combination later.

Finally, scan the implant in Helena's head. You will then be able to hack into the dead woman's mind the way you did before.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Since you are hacking into the mind of a dead person, the task is more difficult this time. There are a couple of situations in which you must protect the main character from sudden death.

In the first memory, you are using a computer. You must eventually select “Yes” answers in order to continue with the survey. In addition, you have to press several buttons, at some point indicated by the game. The next two scenes offer a lot of (linear) exploration. For example, you have to walk through a small maze in the office and get to a console on the wall, take a room during a doctor's appointment, or download some confidential data from your computer.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Trouble will begin when you find yourself in the scene shown in the picture above. Here the mutated enemy will appear. You must avoid this monster, because if he sees you he will immediately kill you.

In this scene, you have to sneak up unnoticed, so sit down and keep walking slowly, hiding behind the tables so as not to get caught by the monster (it is best to be on the left side of the office). Ultimately, you must reach the corridor where the mutant came from.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

In the next place, you must also avoid the monster. In this office, you must reach several computer stations with shiny cables above them (one is shown in the picture above).

After reaching each of the computer stations, make sure that there is no monster nearby, and only then start downloading the data. You have to download data from three different stations. Take your time moving between them - just do your best to hide.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Completion of this memory launches new ones, which also requires reaching a specific destination or using an interactive element. It all starts out linearly, but gets more complicated when you get to the spot with a floating TV, as shown in the picture above. Take the hanging cable and start pulling the TV. You have to plug the cable into the jack shown in Figure 2, which opens the way forward.

Keep pulling your TV and finding more jacks where you can plug it in. One of them will unlock the big white button. In addition, you can download some data from your computer. Reaching the last slot and plugging in the cable will take you to a new memory.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

In the next memory, you will navigate the field. You should be heading towards a vertical beam of light. Getting there is not so easy, and all because of the unmanned drones around. You must avoid them, because if they find you, you will return to the starting point and have to repeat the entire sequence.

When moving towards the beam of light, use the foliage as cover. When you notice an approaching drone (accompanied by a characteristic sound), crouch and do not move. You must wait patiently for the car to finish scanning and fly away. Upon reaching your destination, you will find the computer with which you must establish a connection. Now there is only one memory left in which you have to go through several corridors filled with TVs. Finally, you will receive the code 3615.

Find a secret passage and explore a secret room

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Luckily, you don't have to look far to find a place where you can use the code you got after going through Hannah Novak's flashbacks. Stay in the side room of the tattoo parlor where you found Hannah's body. The panel is hidden at the back of the seat as shown in the illustration. Enter code 3616 to unlock the secret room.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Start exploring the secret room by flipping the switch shown in the picture, which restores electricity. Start using alternative vision modes to find and scan objects around you. The keys to scan are: prosthetic eyes, voice recorder (listen to recorded message), chainsaw and coding station. In addition, you can find synchrozin and two collectible paintings, as well as view recordings and audio recordings on a computer (there are six of them).

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Your next main goal is to leave this secret room, as Daniel will be trapped inside. To do this, focus on the control panel shown in the picture above. There are several buttons on the panel - start by pressing the lower right one marked in the picture, which will make the large table move away.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Then press the down arrow button - one of the four that controls the hook - which is marked in figure 1. When the hook is lowered to its maximum, go up to it, interact and pull it towards the green net, as seen in figure 2. The hook should grab the net ...

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Return to the control panel and press the up arrow button as shown in the picture above. This will force the mesh to be pulled and unblock the tunnel. Jump in there and use night vision as it is quite dark there. A linear corridor will lead you to the basement of the building.

Get out of the basement

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

Exiting the basement is not an easy task, as there is only one main path leading to the exit. However, along the way, you can choose which location you go through, including individual cellars. It is worth adding that some of the basements are inhabited, which can lead to conversations. Moreover, basement number 028 is tied to case 776, whose walkthrough will be added later.

Start a linear walk through the basement. You can tell you are going right by increasing the number of basements you go through. Ultimately, you must reach a door with an "Exit" sign, as shown in the picture.

Observer passing. Case 405 - Find Adam

This door has a code panel. Interact with her and do not worry that you do not have spare four-digit codes, as you can simply hack the panel. However, this way you will only recognize the first three numbers. The last one you have to guess by trial and error. In our case, the correct combination was 4004.

Coming out of the basement, you will experience hallucinations. Follow the corridors until you reach a door with an intercom and you have an unusual conversation.

The next chapter of the Observer walkthrough:

Case 405 - Find Adam. Part 2

Observer side quests:

Case 628 - Strange Little Girl

Case 776 - Curious Neighbors

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