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Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough: Lothric's High Wall and the Cold Valley boss Vordt


After you teleport to the location, open the door in front of you and head downstairs. You will see the Bonfire, from which there are two paths. For now, it's best to head right and clear this area of ​​enemies.

Path leading to the right

Before going to the wall, try to look through the hole in the loopholes from where you are standing. You will see a crossbowman on the platform who will spoil your blood if you do not kill him right now. When you are on the wall, the dogs will attack you, and then the rest of the enemies (praying undead are quite harmless, but make sure they do not surround you).

Dark Souls 3

After a while, two very strong enemies will appear on the wall. One will come from the side and the other from the other end of the wall. Deal with them separately, luring them towards the Bonfire, where you came from. These enemies are slow, but their attacks do a lot of damage. However, their attacks are easy to dodge. If you are using a shield, be careful because attacks can pierce your block, followed by a quick strike.

After clearing the wall, head downstairs to the left. You will see one enemy and the soul of a desert skeleton. At the moment, the door is locked, but then you can open it.

Dark Souls 3

Finally, go to the tower on the other side. Don't let the praying undead block you on the right side. Instead, lure the crossbowman closer to you, eliminate him and deal with the undead. You must do this because one of the undead is a mini-version of the boss that transforms after you get closer. If you kill the undead while transforming, you can avoid a very difficult fight.

Dark Souls 3

If you don't get close to the enemy fast enough, you will have to face a converted version of it. The strategy is the same as during the previous boss. The same attacks. Use the fire bombs to weaken the mini-boss, then finish him off with standard attacks while pressing against the beast. After clearing this area, grab the Longbow and 12 Standard Arrows. Return to the campfire. Relax if you need to, then move on.

Path leading to the left


In this part of the wall, you will find more undead praying. At the end of it all, watch out for the enemy with the lamp. He can call for reinforcements. When he starts screaming, quickly interrupt him or wait for enemies and eliminate them one by one. Don't let your opponents surround you, because after that you won't be able to block attacks. Near the body in the center, you will find the soul of a desert skeleton.

Dark Souls 3

Now, go higher and you will meet another Summoner near the dragon's body. Also watch out for the enemy who throws bombs at you from above. Try to lure enemies one by one to the stairs. This will make the fight easier for you to dodge their attacks. After clearing this area, head upstairs and you will see Binoculars near the body.

Dark Souls 3

Go to the body of the dragon (screenshot) and go around it. You will find a path that leads down. When you go there, you will be able to collect some resin.

Dark Souls 3

When you find yourself inside, watch out so as not to get ambushed by the enemy, who is hiding behind the boxes on the right. Eliminate another enemy and take two fire bombs from the corpse. You can now use the ladder to climb down. You will find the soul of the desert skeleton and the way out.

Dark Souls 3

Outside, you will encounter an enemy with a spear and a crossbowman. Try to eliminate them as quickly as you can. On the second floor, you will see a large group of enemies. Another group will approach you below the balcony. You will receive help from ... the dragon. First, it will burn the entire group located on the top floor, clearing a path for you (don't go when the dragon is breathing fire - walk forward a little and then back out).

Dark Souls 3

To clear the hallway, run halfway through it and then return. The dragon will attack, burning enemies.

Dark Souls 3

Your next goal is to go upstairs. You need to find a moment during which the dragon does not breathe fire. These attacks are cyclical, so you must wait for the right moment. You can also move when the tower is on fire, but you will stop frequently due to the fire. The entrance to the destination is on the other side. However, collect all the items that are here - it's worth the risk. You will find Charcoal, Mace, Deserted Skeleton Soul, and Claymore. The last item may give you more trouble because you have to walk in the opposite direction to get it.

Tower with Mimic

Dark Souls 3

When you find yourself in the building, go downstairs. If you want to avoid combat, go past the chest located below and head up the stairs. Otherwise, go to the chest, but do not open it (if you do this, you will probably die right away). Attack him and you will see that it is a Mimic.

Dark Souls 3

Opponents of this type are very difficult to defeat. The most important thing is that you must be careful not to get caught. If you try to close it, you will most likely be caught by the chest and lose all health points. If you can manage to avoid this type of attack, the rest of the fight will be very sketchy. Watch out for long jumps, move and dodge all the time. You can also try throwing fire bombs. If you manage to defeat this enemy, you will receive a good weapon - the Deep Battle Ax.

Dark Souls 3

Note: you can try to wake up Mimic with an attack and then head up the stairs (screenshot). He will not follow you and you will be able to throw fire bombs. This is difficult to do because the enemy will be almost directly below you, but if you have a lot of bombs, you can make the fight easier.

Dark Souls 3

Regardless of whether you are attacking or you are Mimic or not, you must go outside using the stairs. On the other side of the passage, you will see a knight block your path. Instead of standing in one place and looking at it, kill the two enemies on the sides immediately after entering the wall. During the fight with the knight, they will no longer bother you. The enemy is strong, but rather slow. Try it Try dodging or getting behind him quickly. If you have difficulties, lure him inside the building. After that, you can try to attack him when he is on the stairs, or bypass him when he goes down and attack him from above. After defeating the knight, take the soul of the deserted skeleton from the body on the wall and go to the next tower.

Dark Souls 3

When you find yourself inside, be very careful, because a fast enemy will jump out of the chests on the left. After defeating him, take the incendiary bombs from the corpse, and then leave the building through the passage on the right (do not go downstairs yet). The path will lead you to another Bonfire. In the corner you will find a Titanite Shard.

High Wall of Lothric - from the Campfire

Dark Souls 3

After resting, return to the tower and head downstairs. Kill two enemies along the way. Go down, where you will again face the enemy with a halberd. Follow the corridor to the next part and watch out for the enemy who is throwing incendiary bombs (you will find several throwing knives in the corner).

Dark Souls 3

At the end of the corridor you will find a body, and next to it is Mail Breaker (watch out for the enemy advancing on the left). Walk down and you will reach a cell with a prisoner. The door is locked for now, so return to the tower and head through the door on the middle floor. You can come back here after receiving the key.

Dark Souls 3

When you exit the tower, on the right you will find the soul of a desert skeleton. A little further, near the praying undead, you will find a staircase leading to the rooftops. You will be attacked by two enemies. Quickly eliminate the first one to go up the stairs.

Dark Souls 3

In the location shown in the screenshot, one of the undead will start transforming after you get close to him. Grab your fire bombs and prepare yourself for battle. If you want to avoid this, focus on the opponent standing at the top of the roof with their hands up. Run to him and kill him before he mutates. If you fail to do so, fight or run to the edge of the rooftop where you can go down the stairs (there you will find the soul of a desert skeleton in a corpse).

Dark Souls 3

On the first floor, you will be greeted by a crossbowman and several other enemies. From the stairs behind you exit to the balcony. Be careful because there will be several enemies here. Don't let them surround you. Take the fire bombs from the corpse. Return to the stairs and head right before the exit inside the building. You will find black incendiary bombs near the body. Go inside and immediately left. Quickly kill the enemy hiding behind the wall and the crossbowman (break the urn to unlock the passage and find the Undead Hunter Charm). The second assassin is right behind the stairs, so don't get ambushed. You will also find a Titanite Shard here.

Dark Souls 3

Return to the main hall and fight the knight. He fights just like the one you fought earlier, but he wields a spear and will try to use it to impale you. After the fight, you will find a Desert Skeleton Soul in the corner of the room. Go ahead and turn right into the corridor. Destroy barrels and chests to get to the end of the balcony. If you destroy the barrels, you can jump down, but it is better to return here after freeing the territory from enemies. Go back and move on. Watch out for the enemy that is jumping from the left side. Go to the room where he was. Behind the wheel, you will find a Broadsword. Go outside and go to the next part.

Dark Souls 3

Once inside, don't go straight down. Instead, go to the other side. Here you will find two enemies and a treasure chest - Silver Kite Shield. After collecting the items, go all the way down. Do it slowly, trying to lure enemies one by one. The most important thing is that you have to lure the dog out, because these animals are very fast and can kill you when you fight other enemies. Attack the other enemy from the right side and fight the remaining two.

Search this location thoroughly. You will find a dungeon key, an estus shard, and a titanite shard. If you go up the stairs (back) towards the passage that was blocked, you will find several chests at the end. Destroy them and you can jump down. Here you will find a chest with Astor's straight sword inside. You can now go down to the main square. However, it would be good to return to the prisoner you met earlier.

Rescuing a prisoner

Dark Souls 3

If you cannot remember the path, start at the second Bonfire. Go to the lowest level of the tower (you will encounter several enemies). The corridor on this level leads directly to the prisoner. His name is Greirat. After opening the dungeon with the key you found, you can talk to him. You will receive a mission to deliver the blue ring to Loretta, which can be found in the next location - the Settlement of the Undead. In return, Greyrat will offer his help.

Big square

Dark Souls 3

Now we are heading towards a large area, where you will find a huge knight. After going down, you will begin the battle. You have to prepare yourself because the enemy is very strong and deals a lot of damage. Watch out for his special whirlwind attacks. Jump back almost immediately. Do the same when you see the enemy summon lightning. Try to get pretty close to him and try to get around the enemy to attack him from behind. When you manage to defeat him, you can go to the square. You will find two embers and a rapier.

Dark Souls 3

Exit through the gate and head right. On the stairs, you will encounter the crossbowman and another enemy to his left. Climb the first flight of stairs and head right. You will find the soul of a desert skeleton. Speed ​​up and jump onto the rooftop above the square. You will find the Ring of Sacrifice. Go upstairs and right again.

Dark Souls 3

You will meet one enemy in the passage. Watch out, because after you kill him, even more opponents will appear. Quickly dodge or block with your shield to be able to step back. When you clear the area, you can pick up the Green Blossom from the corner. Follow this path to the end and take the elevator. Near the chests, you will find several throwing knives. You will see metal grates on the other side. Open them to unlock the path to the first Bonfire.

The path leading to the boss

Dark Souls 3

Finally, walk back towards the square and take a path leading in the opposite direction than the previous one. On the bridge, you will find two knights patrolling the area. Your only and best chance to defeat them is to lure one of them up the stairs, eliminate him, and return to the second. Fighting them one by one is much easier. You will find another knight on the balcony just above. Kill him and take the alfalfa from the body nearby.

Dark Souls 3

Go to the chapel and turn left in front of it. You will face an even more powerful knight with a blue cape. Attack him from behind as long as you can, after which the enemy will turn towards you. When this happens, use incendiary bombs if possible to finish off the enemy. Otherwise, you have to be very careful because the knight deals more damage than others. You will receive a Refined Gem as a reward.

Dark Souls 3

Go to the chapel and talk to Emma twice. You will receive the Small Banner of Lothric and the Way of Blue.

Dark Souls 3

Finally, go to the opposite side of the chapel. On the first floor, kill the last two enemies and the archer. Note the balcony above it. If you need to repeat the boss fight, this is the place where you can jump down, bypassing the knights on the bridge. The arena is located below the location of the second boss. Your opponent is the Cold Valley Vordt.

Dark Souls 3

After you defeat him, go to the edge and place a banner here. You will be teleported to the Undead Settlement.

Cold Valley Boss Fight

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