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Walkthrough Dark Souls 3. Abandoned Graves and the boss Champion Gundir


Destroy the illusion in the room, jump down and light the fire. Continue your way through the ravine and collect the Shriving Stone. Turn left at the crossroads and you will encounter a shaman and three of his minions. Jump to the shaman and focus all your attacks on him (if you kill the leader fast enough, his minions should stay in their positions and wait for your attack). Search the fallen bodies to collect the Ash Estus Ring and head back to the main road.

There is a large Soul of a Nameless Soldier near the stone pool. An enemy with two blades will approach you from above. Don't underestimate him and beware of his quick, double attacks. Use the ladder and keep an eye on the other immortal foe on the left side. There is a piece of Titanite guarded by a hound that will jump from behind the wall at the end of the road.

Dark Souls 3

Before moving on, explore the right side of the area where two more dogs will attack you. Below you will encounter three more such creatures and find a Titanite Chunk (screenshot). Another part of the path will take you to the area where you first encountered the ice lizard, but this time, you will encounter two of them.

Dark Souls 3

Don't try to fight both enemies at once, because some of them may be too strong. Instead, have one of the lizards spot you, or use a long-range weapon to get her attention and lure her to the spot where you encountered the hounds. Thus, you can fight each lizard separately. Each lizard costs 10,000 souls and two Titanite Shards.

Dark Souls 3

Return to the main road. Before reaching the top (and if you used Amber), you will be ambushed by the spirit of Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild. If you keep her at a distance, she will use magic projectiles that you can dodge or block with a shield (but do not fall into the abyss). The same goes for your opponent; if you manage to lure her back into the narrow passage, it is quite possible that she will fall off the cliff. If not, dodge and use your shield to force her into a melee fight, in which Daughter of Crystal Kriemhild is pretty weak.

Dark Souls 3

There is only one enemy at the very top (but not near the fire). The path below is full of small enemies and shooters. Don't underestimate them; they may be weak, but they may take on numbers. Having dealt with them, iditol to the left, where you can jump down and collect the Hidden Blessing. Look back - one of your opponents will try to attack you.

Dark Souls 3

Go to the gate where you will meet two more shooters and spearmen. Throw them down and fight the Champion Gundir boss.

Remember: you can find a place where you can summon the Sword Master if you defeated him at the Purifying Chapel. Kill the boss and get the Black Knight's Glaive in the arena to the right of the entrance.

Boss Fight Champion Gundir

Cleansing Chapel

Dark Souls 3

Finish the fight, open the gate and move up. You will face two black knights. Since they are considered difficult opponents, be smarter and lure them out one by one. Don't get bogged down in a sequence of blows.

The entrance to the chapel is a little further. Don't go there yet and turn right where you will find another knight and a Hornet ring at the end of the road. Take it and turn left. You will face a knight. You can come in from behind, so kill him strategically and collect the Sword of Chaos, located a little further (to your left), and the large Soul of the Fallen Knight. Collect all the items and enter the chapel.

Dark Souls 3

You can call this a replica of the original Cleansing Chapel, but instead of a bonfire, you will find a Spiral Sword Fragment. Go to the side corridor, where you can buy unusual items from the handmaid of the Temple of Fire. A little further, where Andre is, you will find the Blacksmith's Hammer. Finally, go to the hallway where you could have Irina at the Purifying Chapel. However, it will not be there, but there will be another illusion (screenshot). Hit the wall and collect the important item - the Eyes of the Keeper of the Fire, which will allow you to end the game in an alternate way. When you're done, explore Lothric Castle and the additional archives, or if you've already done so, head to Archdragon's Peak.

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