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Walkthrough Dark Souls 3. Garden of the Consumed King and the boss Oceiros


The Consumed King's Garden is a secondary location filled with powerful enemies. The following description insists on unlocking the available shortcuts and collecting items, and only then is it worth fighting opponents.


Once you get to the garden from the cathedral where you killed the dancer, use the stairs and head left. There is a door on the right side of the balcony. Keep this in mind, because on the other side you will be able to unlock the shortcut and move on. Go downstairs and collect the Great Soul of a seasoned warrior on your way. The Templar Knight standing in your way is a tough opponent. He will combine a shield strike with a quick strike, so be careful. In addition, his weapon deals additional lightning damage. Kill him, enter the room and use the elevator.

Remember: in case you die, you will have to walk past the knight to call the elevator (or fight him again). Make sure you use the lever, go out to the balcony and wait for the elevator again. Lure the knight away from him, and quickly dodge his blows to end up on the platform. Your opponent will not follow you.

Dark Souls 3

When the elevator is halfway, jump onto the platform. You will reach the location shown in the screenshot. If you get to the very bottom, you will have to watch out for the toxic substance that covers the entire area. You are safe on the platform, so collect the Estus Fragment next to the body to your right. There is a piece of Titanite on the wall below.

The biggest threat is mutating enemies; there are three of them. Each fight will be difficult and a direct fight can end very quickly. The garden itself is quite small, but filled with different creatures, and thus the process of exploring the area will not be easy. Try to avoid opponents so you have enough time to open the Lothric Castle shortcut (previously mentioned doors).

Dark Souls 3

Move from the wall to the left or use the elevator to get to the bottom. Don't look around and run along the left edge of the map, and as soon as you cross the stone bridge (don't touch anything yet), go to the place that is shown in the screenshot. If you're lucky, you can even avoid all enemies and get to the elevator safe and sound.

Dark Souls 3

When the elevator reaches the top, go to the next room and find a Titanite Shard near the wall. Enemies can attack you from the walls, so be careful. Go to the very top and collect a piece of Titanite. Open the door to unlock a path that will make your life easier, since from now on you can reach the boss without having to fight other creatures. However, you must return to the bottom of the area to collect the remaining items.

Collecting items

Use the elevator near the Templar Knight to reach the toxic area. Exit the building and take the Sacrifice Ring on the right side.

Dark Souls 3

If you are not ready to fight enemies, and are only interested in valuable items, run to the knight-templar, who is on the stone bridge. Do not engage in combat and move downward where the snails are located. As you will be pursued by a number of mutants, quickly collect the following items: 2 Black Incendiary Bombs, Human Pine Pine, Claw and Ghost Set.

Dark Souls 3

Go to the main platform. From here, there are three possible directions you can choose (the path in front of you will lead you to the boss Oceiros, the Consumed King). For now, leave the area with the two knights and use the small stairs on the right side. The wall has a Human Pine Resin and a Titanite Chunk. If you still haven't unlocked the shortcut, you should do it now - the elevator entrance is a little further away.

The last remaining items are located in a very dangerous area, on the other side, to the left of the square with two knights. Go down the stairs. It has a Titanite Chunk on it, and underneath it is a Dark Gem. Beware of the patrolling mutants.

Dark Souls 3

The path to Oceiros is protected by two knights and a mage, located above, on the right side. You have to lure them one by one. Having dealt with them, get ready for a difficult battle with the boss.

Dark Souls 3

Remember: you can get to this place after unlocking the shortcut. You can jump off the elevator halfway to get to the platform. Walk forward and collect the Dragon Slayer Ring. You will end up in the location shown in the screenshot. First you can kill the mage, and only then deal with the knights.

Battle with mutants

So far, the description has focused on how to avoid enemies by collecting valuable items and unblock the passage. We do not urge you to fight enemies because of strong mutants. There are a few tips that you must follow when dealing with these creatures.

Dark Souls 3

You will meet your first enemy at the location where you used the elevator, next to the Templar Knight. When you're halfway there, you can go to the balcony and reach the location shown in the screenshot. Once you reach the garden, you must face the first mutant patrolling. Go to the edge and get his attention; opponents are very vulnerable to fire - try using incendiary bombs. Each fiery attack will freeze the beast for a moment. This is the perfect moment to strike back, but unfortunately you won't be able to take many hits. Try to kill at least one mutant (if you have enough ammo, spells and items to restore focus points).

Dark Souls 3

Another enemy you can trick is on the right side of the garden. Your opponent should get stuck in the door that leads to the elevator (the one that takes you to the shortcut). Attack the creature from a safe distance.

The last mutant can be found on the left side of the garden. You can try to lure him to the elevator, and if you're lucky, the animal can get stuck as well. Use the ladder to use the height to your advantage and immobilize the creature with spells or incendiary bombs.

Boss Fight Oceiros, the Consumed King

After the battle with Oceiros

Dark Souls 3

After you defeat the boss, you will unlock the gate to another bonfire. Go through the narrow corridor and kill one enemy. In the large room, you will eventually find the Path of the Dragon gesture and two chests near the body. Each of them contains a Titanite Shard. You can now decide whether you want to go to a secret location or return to Lothric Castle.

1. If you want to continue on your way, hit the wall behind the chest - this is another illusion that will open the way to the secret location of the Abandoned Graves.

Dark Souls 3

2. After you receive the Path of the Dragon gesture, you can return to the Irithyll Dungeon and find the location shown in the screenshot. Approach the dragon statue and use this gesture. Remain in a seated position, after which a cut-scene will be shown. Welcome to Ancient Dragons Peak.

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