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Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough: Temple of the Deep - Outside


The interior of the Temple of the Deep is not that difficult, but rather large, so it's easy to miss some of the rooms. In order to make things more accessible, this chapter is divided into three parts.

You will begin to explore this place from the bonfire, which you unlock after defeating the Crystal Spell Master. Before going to the stairs, turn left behind the tree and face the knight who is protecting the item.

Dark Souls 3

The fight won't be easy. Not only does he have a sword and a knife, he will also throw knives at you if you move further away from him. Since you are on a narrow road, do not block but dodge his blows. He can break through the block, so if you are hiding behind a shield, then it is best to dodge. In addition, you cannot continue direct melee for too long, as he will stab you with his sword, and thus deal massive physical damage. You must keep moving and dodging. You can try to block his blows, and if you succeed, you have time to strike back. If you want to strike from a distance, remember about throwing knives. Attack and move backward to gradually reset his health bar. When you finally kill him, collect the Paladin's Ashes.

Before heading upstairs, check the paths that run on either side. You will find a Titanite Shard on the left road, and at the end of the right path, next to the corpse, there is a Crest Shield. Return to the gate that is at the top.

Dark Souls 3

The enemy at the gate is like the knight you've fought before, so you know how to kill him. Search his body, take the Spider Shield and go through the gate.

Dark Souls 3

When you find yourself in an open area, slowly move between the trees to attract several opponents. Dogs will jump on top of you and if a large group of these creatures surrounds you, they can kill you in a matter of seconds. Thus, try to kill them one by one. Crossbowmen are located along the wall, so you must quickly hide behind cover: use the trees scattered around, or the ravine on the left side. When you have dealt with your opponents, search the bodies and find a large Soul of an unknown traveler.

Dark Souls 3

Head straight to reach the chapel. You will encounter one enemy, so quickly kill him before he runs up to you and explodes. Open the door and you will find yourself in the main room of the temple. In the right corner, there is a jagged whip, and opposite the Cleansing Chapel bonfire. The doors on both sides will be locked, so head back outside.

Dark Souls 3

Turn right immediately. A group of opponents will pray under a tree. Go to them and attack before they get up. Search the bodies for a Shard of Estus. Go up the stairs and enter the cemetery.

Dark Souls 3

The fight will be difficult as skeletons will respawn over and over again. Plus, if they vomit at you, it will set off a negative process. If it reaches a certain point, you will take huge damage (bleeding). The paths are narrow, making it very easy to get stuck between enemies. Choose a weapon that allows you to attack multiple creatures at the same time.

Dark Souls 3

In the upper left of the cemetery (entrance), there is a Greatsword Astora, under a kneeling monster. From there you can jump down and follow the path to the open area. Collect the Faded Soul and the Executioner's Greatsword. However, be careful as you will awaken many enemies, some of which are undead with limbs growing directly from their stomachs. Watch out for the negative effects of bleeding. Do not try to run away from all creatures, as you can get stuck, and also kill those who block your path.

Remember: Do not try to kill all the undead, as more and more of them will appear, because of which you will not have time to deal with all of them. Kill those blocking your path.

Dark Souls 3

Continue your way through the graveyard until you reach the bridge seen in the screenshot. On the other hand, you will encounter a lot of undead, one of which is unusual. This monster has two blades and performs spins during combat. If you have befriended the giant from the Settlement of the Undead, jump below and get to the spears. They define the giant's range. This knowledge can be used to kill hostile creatures; just lure them in and they should get hit with the spear. Search the area and find Repair Powder, two large Souls of Unknown Travelers, a Homeward Bone Shard, and (from a tree) two young white branches.

Remember: If you haven't spoken to the giant, you will have to track the projectiles yourself.

Dark Souls 3

Use the stairs to climb up to the mausoleum on the right side. Before getting inside, walk around the building on the left side, where you will find a Titanite Shard. There is a large Curse Ward inside. Go to the bottom and use the stairs that will take you even lower.

Dark Souls 3

Go right. The path around the mausoleum is guarded by creatures that increase the bleeding rate with each accurate hit. Although your opponents are not very fast, watch out for medium air attacks. Walk along the wall and you will find Saint-tree Bellvine near the second reptile.

Dark Souls 3

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