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Dark Souls 3. Coldvale Irithyll Walkthrough


After defeating the boss Supreme Overlord Volnir, a door will open at the top of the stairs in the place where you fought him. Go through the door to enter the location. Right after entering you will find the first bonfire.

Note: By lighting bonfires, you will unlock the ability to send Greyrat for another search. Talk to him at the Fire Temple and arrange a trip. Greyrat will not return from it. There are two options to save him:

1. If you haven't purchased Siegward's armor from Unbreakable Patches yet, tell him where Greyrat went. He will save him, but only if you have not yet fought the boss Pontiff Sullivan.
2. If you helped Siegward in the well in the Temple of the Deep by giving him your armor, then he must save Greyrat when you first meet him in the sewers.

After you've managed to save Greyrat's life, he will return from the battle with Pontiff Sullivan and tell you that he was saved by the onion knight. Otherwise, you will find his body in the sewers.

Dark Souls 3

After you enter the bridge, quickly turn around. You will be attacked by an unpleasant opponent. Make sure that he does not bite you and run around him so that you will always be behind him. The beast loves to perform two quick bites - successfully dodging the second will allow you to execute your own attack. You should also watch out for lightning attacks. Attacking the enemy from behind, you will have the greatest chance of winning - tail attacks are rare and after the enemy turns around, you can quickly run behind him again.

After the victory, you will receive the Pontiff's Right Eye. Walk to the end of the bridge and collect the Homeward bone along the way. If you've defeated the boss Deacons of the Deep, you can go through the barrier, right to the bonfire. Otherwise, return to the boss at the Temple of the Deep.

Note: You can run away from the beast by going around it and going through the barrier. However, if you don't defeat the creature, you can be sure that you will encounter it again at the bottom of the location as you walk across the same bridge.

Dark Souls 3

Note: After defeating the beast and resting by the fire behind the barrier, you can return to the bridge, to the place with the mark. If you followed Sirris's quest, you will find a call for help here (screenshot).

Dark Souls 3

After using the Sirris sign, you will be transported to your world, to the same bridge. You must help her in the fight against Creighton the Wanderer. The fight is not difficult, and you have a much better chance of winning. Start attacking your opponent and lure him away from Sirris. Fight back and hide behind a shield, or dodge when Creighton attacks you with an ax. After winning the battle, you can return to the bridge. Go to the Fire Temple where you will meet Sirris again. Help will reward you with a Blessed Mail Breaker and a Silvercat Ring.

Dark Souls 3

After you return to your world, to the second bonfire, near the large fountain, you will find several interesting objects - Thickets of blue moss, the Soul of a tired warrior and a large soul of a nameless warrior. After collecting items, go upstairs through the only available path.

Dark Souls 3

On your way you will come across ice knights, which you need to lure one by one. Watch out for their triple combo, which will allow you to counterattack behind their back if you manage to avoid the final blow. After which you will meet three more opponents. There is a gate on the left side, but you can access the location behind it from the other side. From the bodies on your way, you can collect the souls of a tired warrior, and a little further, on the right side, a Large Titanite Shard.

Note: Enemies are vulnerable to fire, as are many other enemies in this location. If you have pumped pyromancy or have weapons with fire damage, battles will be easier.

Dark Souls 3

In the next courtyard, you will encounter two enemies standing around the fountain. Walk around the fountain to find the promising Green Blossom and the Big Soul of the Nameless Soldier. The path that leads above is well guarded. It would be risky to run, as two opponents can throw a fireball that appears where your character is standing. Because of this, you must change your position frequently and keep moving in such a way as to avoid being attacked.

First of all, lure out one by one three weak opponents. After that, tackle one strong one. Only after that you have to run upstairs and lure down a new party of enemies in order to be out of reach of the wizard standing on the balcony on the right side. As soon as the location is cleared, you can enter the said balcony and deal with the enemy. Nearby you will find a large titanite shard.

Dark Souls 3

Moving on, you will come across two Ice Knights patrolling the area. If you've cleared the area below, you can lure them there one by one, making it easier to fight them. Be aware of the triple combo (avoid third hit to counter) and their vulnerability to fire. On the left side, on the balcony, you will find a lizard - killing it you will receive a shimmering titanite.

Dark Souls 3

Note: At this point, you can open more than just an illusory wall - an illusionary staircase. In order to do this, hit the second barrier (shown in the screenshot). Then head downstairs and defeat the ice knight. Here you will find a Large Titanite Shard.

Dark Souls 3

Descending even deeper, you will reach a location with an evangelist who stands with his back to you. Use this opportunity to open the game, and then silently walk towards the enemy and attack him from behind. During the battle, remember about the enemy's attacks, which are a little stronger than usual (especially watch when he begins to “read the book.” Immediately after that, he will complete the preparation of a spell that will catch you with fire pincers). After defeating the enemy, you will receive Dorhys' Gnawing, and in the tree you will find the Witchtree Branch.

Dark Souls 3

Now head back to the main road. A little further you will reach the large gate shown in the screenshot. On the left side you can collect the Large Soul of the Unknown Traveler, and from behind the wall on the right you can take the Large Titanite Shard. From here you can turn left into the church, or walk forward through the gate.

Entrance to the Cathedral

Dark Souls 3

Before entering, you can see enemies located far from here. If you go inside, you can be sure that the other enemy is attacking you from the left side. Because of this, it's best to wait a bit for the three enemies standing next to the altar to go down and start patrolling the way down. This will allow you to lure them in or even get around them.

Dark Souls 3

A similar situation can occur when entering the cathedral from the side, in front of the Yorshka Church. You can wait for three opponents to leave this place. Then all you have to do is get rid of (one by one) the mage and the ice knight. After that, you can collect the Soul of a Weary Warrior and a Glowing Gem from below.

Dark Souls 3

Finally, put yourself in the position shown in the screenshot. The wall in front of you is illusory. Destroy it, after which the entrance to the balcony will open, from where you can take the Magic Clutch Ring.

The gate at the top of the cathedral will still be closed, so go to the adjacent church where you will find a bonfire.

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