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Walkthrough Dark Souls 3. Ash Cemetery and the boss Judge Gundir


Ash Cemetery

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

When the character you have chosen wakes up, it takes some time to get to know your weapons and controls. Pay attention to the red markings along the path where you can read various things. Also you can find notes from other players. Basically, this area is educational.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

After a while, you will have the first opportunity to attack the enemy. You will learn how to focus on the target (aim the white dot at your opponent and move in such a way as not to lose sight of the enemy). Then you will learn how to attack, block and execute powerful attacks. After defeating the enemy, turn right. You will find the soul of a desert corpse.

Note: Make no mistake about the enemy. Despite being the weakest type of enemy, it can execute several quick attacks that deal a lot of damage.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

Get back on track and carry on. Next to the body, you will face the same type of enemies and find an ashen flask of estus. It will allow you to restore focus points (which are spent on using skills and spells - like mana). Regular Estus Flasks restore health points. Remember that you can find flasks in various places or heal near Bonfires. Use them only when you really need them.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

Pay attention to the enemy standing with his back to you. You will find it on the right side (screenshot). Try hitting him from the back. Slowly approach the enemy (on foot) and attack him. A little further, you will find more than two enemies. One of them with a crossbow (if you have a shield, you can block the bolts). From here, you can walk straight or turn right.

Path leading to the right

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

If you decide to turn right, you will face two enemies. Deal with them separately (do not fight with them at the same time, so as not to lose health points). At the end of the path, you will see a hint that tells you to return. You will face the first really powerful enemy.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

Pay attention to how he performs his attacks. He can attack after dashing forward, dodge and shoot with ice spikes, create fog around the hero, or attack with his hand. Forward and sideways attacks are best for you to dodge and counter. The mini-boss always prepares himself before an attack (for example, by raising his body), so you have some time to dodge.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

During this fight, dodging is critical. You cannot just stand in one place and attack, because this way you will die very quickly (two enemy attacks are enough). Watch the boss carefully and make your move after the monster finishes its attack and looks at you. If you manage to get close to your target, try to get close to his stomach, which is the most vulnerable. Also, avoid fog and attacks from above, because they do the most damage. Use the estus flask to heal your hero.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

This is an additional fight, so if you find it difficult to attack the boss, you can pass him by. However, if you are patient, do quick attacks and dodge counterattacks. If you defeat him, you will receive titanite, and you can also take the soul of the unknown traveler lying in the corner. You will also receive 4000 souls. If you die, remember that you can go back and take back the souls that you lost (floating green ball).

The path that leads straight

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

If you go right after an enemy with a crossbow, you will reach a bonfire. If you decide to defeat the ice monster, you will be safe. On the way to the fire, you will not encounter any enemies. Don't forget to rest, restore your health, and refill your flasks. However, remember that every time you rest by the fire, your enemies will respawn.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

After the fire, you have two paths. No matter which one you choose, it will take you a while to clear the area and collect items. You will encounter several enemies as you go down. Be careful because they have better weapons and can be deadly in a group. Find the clue on the left (on the ground) and try jumping on your way to reach the grave below (you'll find a titanite shard). Next, you will have the opportunity to practice air assault. If you go straight from here, you will reach the arena with a boss. However, it is not worth going there yet.
Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough Instead, turn right and go to the edge. From here you can see a crossbowman and an enemy with a spear. You can easily eliminate the first one by jumping on it (screenshot) This will make the fight with the spearman easier. Collect 5 fire bombs to help you during the boss fight. Climb up and you will see two enemies. You can now go to the boss (Judge Gundir), or if you want, you can restore health and refill the flask by the fire. When you're ready, enter the arena.

Boss Walkthrough Judge Gundir

The path to the Temple of Fire

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

After the boss fight, open the door on the other side of the arena. Behind the door, you will find one enemy on the left. A little further, you will see a narrow path guarded by a spearman and a crossbowman (screenshot). If you're having trouble with the first one, try hitting him (move forward and attack) to lower his shield. At the end of the path, you will find a bone that allows you to return to the last bonfire you visited.

Dark Souls 3 Walkthrough

Come up. On the right side, you will see an enemy that you can easily knock off the edge. Above, you will face two more enemies. Watch out for another spearman and crossbowman. Remember that you can block bolts and arrows if you have a shield. Otherwise, keep going forward and dodge. After defeating the last two enemies, you can go straight to the Fire Temple.

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