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Passage of Dark Souls 3. Irithyll of the Cold Valley - from the Church of Yorshka. Boss Pontiff Sullivan


When you turn left in front of the cathedral entrance, you will find a large titanite shard in the corner. The stairs will lead you to the entrance to the church, where you will find the Yorshka church bonfire.

Note: If you turn right in front of the church, you can also enter the cathedral from the other side, bypassing the main entrance. On the body you will find the Soul of a tired warrior.

If you followed Anri's quest, you will find her by the fire. Talk to her to receive the Ring of the Evil Eye and the Quiet Resolve gesture to acknowledge her help in finding Horace (Anri will be here if you killed Horace or didn't tell her where he was). In addition to this, one of the statues in the corner of the rooms is actually the assassin from Londor. You can decide: if you kill him, the quest will continue in such a way that you will be able to meet with Anri, but you will not be able to choose one of the alternate endings. If you don't kill him, Anri will die, and you can end the game with an alternate ending related to Yoel and Yuri's quest.

At the altar, you can pick up the Proof of a Concord Kept.

Exit to the cemetery

Dark Souls 3

Go downstairs. Behind the wall, in front of the exit, you will find the Roster of Knights. Then go forward, where on the edge you can find a dead soul. Watch out for invisible enemies nearby. The only way to spot them sooner is to find a dark pair of eyes. When the enemy attacks, he will reveal himself and disappear shortly after this happens: attack the nearby air in the hope of killing him.

Dark Souls 3

A little higher on the right side, you will find a path that will lead you under a large tombstone (along the way, you will find a dead soul). Kill the enemy before he transforms and then collect the Homeward Bone and the Undead Bone Shard from behind the tombstone.

Dark Souls 3

Note: If you followed Sirris's quest and helped her in the battle on the bridge, you will be attacked by (use Amber before that) the Wanderer Creighton. He will appear under the tree, in front of the tombstone. Watch out for his insane ax attacks and attack from behind - his blows are dangerous, but one dodge will be enough to go behind him and stab him. You can also try to deceive the enemy in order to quickly end the battle: stand close to the edge and jump back when Creighton attacks you. He may fall, but if this does not happen, help him in this with one or two attacks. This should be enough to send the ghost to the next world and get the dragon slayer ax. The enemy will heal himself, and will try to stop you when you try to heal yourself by throwing bombs, so finish the fight as soon as possible.

2 Note: Return to the bridge where you fought Creighton the first time (when you helped Sirris). There you will find the Mirrah Chain Set (Creighton's Steel Mask, Mirrah Chain Mall, Mirrah Chain Gloves, Mirrah Chain Leggings).

Dark Souls 3

Return to the church and, at the same time to the cemetery, turn left (so that you have a staircase leading up behind the church). After exiting the stairs, watch out for the invisible enemy in the corner. Walk to the left end, where you will come across three dogs eating the body (screenshot). If you fail to lure them out (for example, with a throwing knife), use bombs and weapons that will allow you to kill all enemies at once. Don't let them surround you, as this is a stronger version of dogs than the ones you have met before. Here you will find 8 Kukri and a rusty gold coin.

Dark Souls 3

Get down from the stairs that you used, forward into the dark room. Here you will need a torch, a few spell bombs. Pay attention to the eyes that will look at you from below - all these are the eyes of enemies crawling along the ground and attacking as you get closer. In addition to this, in the center of the room, you will also encounter some persistent enemies that can temporarily become invisible. They are not stable, but there are enough of them here to pose a threat to you.

Dark Souls 3

In the room you will find the Blue Beetle Pill. Above (you can get there using the ladder on the right side), carefully move through the wooden scaffolding until you can collect the Shriving Stone. There are enemies here as well, especially at the end of the path (go to the right of the staircase entrance). Go there, after which you can go to the wooden platform below. You will find a chest with Yorsh's spear inside. Finally, head towards the bright exit. It doesn't matter which path you use, up or down - they both lead to the same place.

Dark Souls 3

Walk down the stairs and you will reach a road to the river. Watch out for invisible enemies. Turn right before entering the water and enter the first niche on the right. The wall located here can be destroyed. You can get Shimmering Titanite behind it.

Dark Souls 3

A little further, under the tree, you will face several invisible opponents. After you spot one of them, try to kill him before he disappears so that you are not surrounded by a large group of enemies. You will find a blood gem on the tree.

Dark Souls 3

On the right side, you will find the Ring of Sacrifice (watch out for the awakening monster). There is a Green Blossom in the middle of the river. If you still haven't defeated the monster on the bridge (it was there at the beginning of the Irithyll of the Cold Valley location), it will jump down and you will have to fight it. Otherwise, the path will be clear.

Here you will find a large soul of a nameless soldier, and after turning to the right, Great Healing near the body of a worm. Once again, watch the awakening of the monsters. Walk along the wall, picking up two Green Blossoms along the way. Entering the room ahead will lead you to a distant bonfire (and then to Irithyll's Dungeon).

Note: If you want to meet Siegward in the sewers (assuming you helped him in the well in the Temple of the Deep), you must first go there before lighting any bonfire in the Irithyll Dungeon.


Dark Souls 3

There will be a lot of spiders in the water, so watch out for them. Kill opponents methodically, one by one. In two places you will find a dung pie, f on the opposite side there is a staircase leading up (in front of it there will be Dung covered with ash). Come up.

Note: If you sent Greyrat on a second quest and you didn't help Siegward or you didn't tell Unbreakable Patches where Greyrat went (if you haven't got Siegward's armor yet), then you will find his ashes here. Ashes will be in the corner after defeating Pontiff Sullivan. Give the ashes to the slave and you will be rewarded.

Dark Souls 3

You will reach the kitchen, where Sigward is warming himself next to the fireplace. In appreciation for your help, you will receive the power of Emit and Siegbrau. You will also receive two gestures. In addition, there is an estus soup.

Dark Souls 3

From the kitchen you will find yourself in a large room with one knight at the end. It will be tempting to approach him from behind, but if you look around carefully, you will see another knight who is on the balcony above and is aiming at you with a huge bow. Because of this, it is best to quickly run next to the enemy and lure him into a small room behind the wall. There you will be safe from the projectiles that will fly from above, and you can easily deal with the enemy.

Dark Souls 3

Then go to the large room for a minute, where on the right side you will find a small entrance that leads upstairs. There is another knight at the top - lure him to the same room so that the archer doesn't get you. Finally, run one last time and fight the archer (he will melee after you get close, but be careful not to hit you with an arrow at close range).

After the battle is over, head the other way, where you will find three chests with Smaug's Big Hammer, Leo's Ring, and a Divine Blessing. It remains only to go downstairs and leave the room.

The path to the boss

Dark Souls 3

Climb up slowly and kill every warrior and dog you come across. If you are in a hurry, then you will be attacked by too many enemies at the same time, as well as by magicians who are a little further away. There are also dogs and magicians at the top of the stairs, near the fountain. Along the way, you can collect a large soul of an unnamed soldier and a large shard of titanite from the body hanging above the barrier. On the left hand side, you will find an elevator that will allow you to unlock a shortcut leading to the cathedral entrance.

Note: If you did not completely follow Yuri's quest and saved Anri after the murder, use Amber and the pale shadow of Londor will attack you.

Dark Souls 3

Moving further, you will find yourself in the middle of a room filled with invisible enemies. Instead of fighting them, quickly collect the Blue Beetle Pill and head upstairs, from where two mages shoot at you. Kill them, then head down the stairs and collect another Large Titanite Shard. After you do this, be sure to head outside where you will notice large stairs leading directly to the boss. To the left of the stairs you will find the Soul of a Weary Warrior.

Dark Souls 3

The entrance to the arena is guarded by the last two Ice Knights. If you don't want to fight them right now, quickly run next to them and turn left. Go through the stairs straight to the gate. Open them to unlock the shortcut near the church fire. Finally, kill the enemies at the gate, and the knights mentioned, so you can then pick up Amber outside the gate. You can also collect the ring of the First Birth of the Sun by going to the edge in front of the entrance to the arena - you can jump down to the altar.

After examining the location, it's time to go to the boss and kill Pontiff Sullivan. Before entering the arena, you will find 2 or 3 summoning signs.

Boss Fight Pontiff Sullivan

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