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They Are Billions Guide - Survival Tips


At the moment, the game has 4 difficulty modes and several hordes of zombies. The higher the difficulty and the larger the zombie horde, the faster you will unlock the next colonies.


  • Create the thickest walls. They can be double, triple or quadruple. Only this will protect you from zombies.
  • Check the holes in the wall. Sometimes the walls don't form buildings behind them as they should. Zombies will use them and sneak into your colony.
  • Build walls wherever possible. If you have gold and stone, add small, single walls with gates around the main walls.


  • The game has endless resources. All you have to do is find, for example, one stone deposit. It will serve you throughout the entire colony.
  • Build resource buildings ahead of time as often as you can to avoid over-supplying raw materials.
  • When creating resource buildings, always be as strategic as possible. And while the Lumber Mill says that when placed in the center of the forest, you can get 10 trees, instead, you can build 2 sawmills at both ends of the forest and collect 8 trees from each.
  • The same as above applies to all resource buildings. Especially careers.
  • It is best to mine wood in places where it is 12+ and stone is 4+.
  • Whenever you have spare resources, build more living quarters. It never happens that you have enough buildings. Also, never forget to build mills.

    Construction and development

  • Focus on defense first. You will need a lot of shooters to deal with the zombies.
  • If you know that you have many days left until the end of the game, do not create new technologies. Do everything so that your colony does not die to the end.
  • Never pick a mayor who gives you 1 Lucifer. Always choose 3 soldiers or whatever the other mayor suggests.
  • Build hunting huts near your sawmills. They get + if they are near forest and meadows.
  • Expand constantly if you feel you can survive. Always expand to the next bottleneck where only small sections of walls need to be built.
  • Try to build buildings as close to each other as possible. The more land you control, the more raw materials you will need to protect it.
  • A large colony needs a lot of defenders. If your area is too large, you cannot defend it.
  • On a large map, it is difficult to keep track of every part of the terrain: it is quite possible that zombies will use this and go through the less protected wall.
  • Old buildings can be replaced with new ones, which means you need less land.

    Defense and troops

  • If you want to win the last day, you need a group of Thanatos, personally I only use them compared to the Titans and Lucifers. Thanatos is the only unit with actual damage, and if you can place 4 of them on the wall, they can stop the horde in their path. This makes them vital on the last day of survival. Create a stack of 30 thanatos (these are 3 oil platforms) and at least 3 locations on each wall, then move them between different walls.
  • Dead villages can be easily destroyed with a sniper when he is in the tower or has sufficient support from turrets or additional units.
  • Use your starting troops for scouting and mark your borders according to the position of the horde.
  • Before you start expanding, you must have at least 10 archers (5 if you know what you are doing). Create 20-30 to completely clear the inside of the map.
  • Do not build soldiers if you are not familiar with units well enough. They have huge damage, but a small radius of action + they attract zombies from a huge territory.
  • Always keep an eye on your troops! Don't let them run into the ghouls.
  • Stay away from zombie buildings until you can destroy them.
  • Archers can only take 2 hits.
  • Don't run away from the harpies as it will only get worse.
  • A lost village can be stopped by two towers behind a stone wall.
  • The interior of the maps is full of slow walking zombies. Kill them when you have free time.
  • Always click on enemies in your field of vision. Track the moment when runners appear among the walking zombies.
  • Watch out for zombies in black suits. If you are behind a wall, 1-5 of them can deal serious damage to your archer.
  • Beware of the big battles battles. After getting more than 10 archers, constantly fighting zombies can attract runners. After killing them, even more ghouls will come, and you find yourself in an endless loop, from which you can only break out if you kill them all, die or return to the ballista / wall.
  • Do not attack small groups of undead that do not threaten your colony. This will increase their aggression and the number of waves.
  • If you allow at least one zombie to enter the colony, the game is over.

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