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They are Billions guide - how to pass the fourth map in 100 days

  • If there are practically no trees in your starting position, immediately restart the map. 70% of game cards are generated randomly, f you need a lot of trees (grass is optional).
  • You must constantly expand and find food sources. Any hunting cottage that provides +5 food deserves your attention.
  • Never use your soldier. The noise that the wall makes while protecting will attract a huge number of zombies. On my first try on the fourth map, I used it to defend a wall and by day 9 I was attacked by a random wave of 100+ zombies.
  • I hope you already know this, but again - at home, at home and again at home. You have to repeat this cycle all the time - cooking, getting energy, building houses.
  • Before the first wave, you need to have 10-20 rangers. You don't need ballistae, only build a double wooden wall.
  • In my experience, you don't need stone walls for the first 4 waves: double and triple wooden walls are fine.
  • Starting from the second day, you must constantly clear the zombies around the colony. This means that your 4 shooters have to be split into 2 groups of 2 and constantly kill zombies (this means hard micro-control of the fighters, especially if runners appear).
  • Most likely, your archers (who have 7 points) will not be able to defend all sides of your base, so place them on random sections of the wall. The zombies will attack them first, not your buildings, which will give you extra time.
  • Kill your soldier for food and income. Seriously, if you're forced to use your soldier, chances are you've already lost.
  • If possible, try to build and upgrade a soldier center during the first 5-6 days. After you have enough rangers, you will receive a stone workshop.
  • You don't need to build a ballista on every wall. Ballistae should only be on the Great Walls and on the walls behind which the Lost City is located. Before the onset of the wave, 5 rangers / snipers should be standing on the defense of your colony. Otherwise, just install a ranger patrolling your walls.
  • Collect any wood 10+, any stone 4+ (3+ if you are desperate) and any iron 3+.
  • Plan your residential areas to have a central location for the bank and market.
  • You only need one warehouse. Workers are a pretty costly resource for food, and your warehouses take up 8 of them.
  • When you find on this map that you don't have enough workers to do anything, you have tons of wood and gold, so build more wall layers.
  • Don't use the gate. It may sound strange, but the gate is a magnet for zombies: in my experience, zombies always attack them first. The gates are larger than the wall sections, so they can be attacked by more zombies. If you need to move units, just destroy part of the wall and then rebuild. During many playthroughs, I had holes in the walls, which was great, since the zombies will still stop to attack the walls, even if there is a hole in them, and at this time the ballista will cover them with their fire.
  • At the beginning of the game, you will need a lot of wood. As for the stone, it is not needed until you are going to build a soldier's center / wooden workshop.
  • Snipers are very tenacious, but this map tends to send a lot of runners and banshees at you at the same time, so a group of less than 20 snipers can be completely destroyed (most often this happened when I was just moving them). When you have 20+ snipers in your party, they won't die - just set them to Highest Priority, not Nearest Enemy.
  • On the 75th day, you stop expanding, from this moment all resources go to the walls / ballistas. The last wave starts around 92 days.
  • Thanatos is love, Thanatos is life. The more you have, the higher your chances of survival. Once you have good walls and 10 (or more) thanatos, you can stop any wave.
  • Don't use towers, it's a waste of resources.
  • The colony plan below forces enemies to stray into groups, rather than just spread out in circles.
    They are Billions guide - how to pass the fourth map in 100 days

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