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Weapons in The Long Dark: Flare Pistol, Bow, and Hunting Rifle



When you hunt, any delay you may have can cause the weapon to swing and decrease its accuracy. This is important if you have poor skills and / or are tired.

When you hit an animal with an arrow or a bullet, it will bleed. The head bleeds the fastest, the body is slower and the legs bleed very slowly.

If you sit down, it will be more difficult for you to track down the beast.


Since you cannot see ahead of you while you draw your bow, it is best to shoot well rested, otherwise you will not be able to aim properly.

If you hit the head of a wolf with an arrow, he will die immediately. It is worth adding that at a higher level, you will need to take into account the movement of animals and physics.

Flare gun

This pistol has fewer rounds than a hunting rifle, but it has the added effect of scaring away nearby animals. If your shot did not kill the bear or wolf, you can scare them off with a flare and they will run away. Bursts of shots do no damage.

The flare gun can be found in the house marked on the map below. He lies under the rug.

Guide The Long Dark. Weapon

Guide The Long Dark. Weapon Guide The Long Dark. Weapon


Compared to the bow, the hunter's rifle will cause more bleeding. If you hit the head, it means instant death of any animal other than the bear.

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