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Pokemon GO Guide. What Pokémon can hatch from eggs

There are several ways in which you can get Pokemon in Pokemon GO. The first one is randomly or using the radar (Nearby Bar) and the second one is Pokémon eggs.

You get eggs randomly by visiting PokéStops. However, if you just keep them in your inventory, Pokémon will never hatch from them. There is a procedure with which you can do this.

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Pokemon GO Guide. Pokemon evolution

Before starting the battle, if you check the Pokedex, you have two options under the Pokemon - Power Up and Evolve. The difference between buffing and evolving a Pokémon is that evolution completely changes it, including its appearance, and the amplifier increases basic stats, such as Combat Points.

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Pokemon GO Guide. How to catch Pokemon after level 20

In Pokemon GO, your main task is to hunt Pokemon, and the more you can catch them, the better. The problem is that the higher your level, the more difficult it will be to catch them, as the Pokémon will either dodge your Pokeball or run away after a few throws. In this guide, you will learn how to catch Pokémon with high Combat Points.