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Oxygen Not Included Guide. Tips for beginners


What to build first

- Three beds
- Toilet
- Manual generator
- Two small batteries
- Food generator (Microbe Musher)
- Research Station

The beds will provide your three duplicates with a restful night's sleep, so it's important to create them as soon as possible. They will also need a toilet very soon. Generators will provide food, a research station will be needed to advance technology, and a hand-held generator will power both of these systems.

Placement Locations
It is important to remember that air behaves differently. Oxygen will move upward, carbon dioxide downward, contaminated oxygen, as a rule, also goes up; hydrogen spreads everywhere and so on. So, build everything with this in mind.

Plantation beds and boxes are best placed on the upper levels, and toilets and electricity on the lower levels. It would also be wise to build algae terrariums where carbon dioxide is high and oxygen generators in the middle of your colony.

Dig towards oxygen pockets and water
When you start digging, move your digging men to the nearest pockets of oxygen and water.

This will give your colony more air and water is used for many crafting recipes. Plus, more space is always a good thing.

It is imperative that you keep an eye on the level of contamination. Keep the toilet open and operational. Make sure there is compost next to it so that contaminated soil can be easily transferred to it. Then make sure there is an air deodorizer next to the compost, as this will purify the dirty oxygen.

Yes, and if someone goes to the toilet or vomits, quickly clean it and the soil nearby so that waste does not end up in fresh water.

Then kill this duplicate. A perfectly reasonable punishment.

If you feel like you're losing, discard any duplicates that don't have the Diver's Lungs trait. This allows them to use only about a quarter of the oxygen, and they can hold their breath longer.

Materials on the topic:
Cheat Codes for Oxygen Not Included
Energy and oxygen production
How to get rid of chlorine gas
How to cool hydrogen

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