Telegram channel with gift codes

Oxygen Not Included Cheats


Create an empty text file in the "OxygenNotIncluded_Data" folder, which is located at the root of the game folder. The text file must be named Debug_enable.txt

Note: ".Txt" is the extension! The file name must be "debug_enable".

This allows you to use Debug commands, but note that some of them may cause crashes or freezes.
Instant Build Mode CTRL + F4
Invulnerability / God Mode ALT + F7 (does not work for many)
Open all items CTRL + F9
Minion spawn CTRL + F2
Explosion CTRL + F8
Teleport ALT + 0
Find a way ALT + P
Reload mods ALT + M
Reload level ALT + L
Super speed ALT + Z
Collect trash ALT + F3

Our app on Google Play Telegram channel with gift codes