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Walkthrough Outward - Blue Chamber Collegium Quests


Mixed heritage

This is the first quest in the main storyline of the Collegium of the Blue Chamber and can be completed 3 in-game days after you decide to join the faction during the quest "Prospection«.

Once the quest is available, talk to Rissa in Berg. She will send you to the Blue Chamber, a large building east of the city, to take part in discussions on sensitive geopolitical issues. Once in the assembly hall, feel free to speak with all the Lords of the House present.

Walkthrough Outward - Blue Chamber Collegium Quests

When you're ready, talk to Rissa again, who will tell you to go to the Old Coin's Inn to check on the late delegation. However, you will be a few steps from the Blue Chamber, as you will be immediately informed to return immediately inside!

You will become a witness of a chaotic scene in which Lords Gabriella Sullivan and Sagard Butleborn fight against obviously unwanted guests - swamp bandits. Join the battle and destroy all the remaining enemies. When the dust settles, talk to Gabriella and Sagard. It turns out that Rissa and some other Lords were kidnapped.

Your next task is to enter the Necropolis located directly below the Blue Chamber. Walk around the hall to reach the stairs leading down and enter the fancy doors.

Walkthrough Outward - Blue Chamber Collegium Quests


Despite its name, there are no undead in the Necropolis (at least in the places available to you). However, there are two bandits in the archive room; one is armed with a steel saber and shield, and the other with a pole. If you want to kill them, then try to lure the enemies one by one.

Otherwise, all you have to do here is interact with the only staircase, which is located against the wall in the room where you first appeared. In this game, you usually cannot climb stairs, but this particular staircase will take you to a different area: Ancestral Resting Place.

Resting place of ancestors

Here you will face two more bandits, each armed with mining picks. Follow the corridor to the very gate and open it, then go to the intersection and turn left. Ignore the other chambers for now, as they lead to a gate that is locked until you get the Bandit Leader's Key.

You will enter a small cave and face a new enemy: the killer beetle! Be careful and counterattack; also try to lure them out one by one to make it easier for you to kill the bugs.

Continue through the cave and you will soon find yourself at the top of a large underground chamber. Don't jump straight from the top! Carefully climb down onto the ledges that you will see below on the right (if you are in front of the underground chamber).

Beware of the suspicious looking mana crystals, as this is actually a mantis ambush. If he becomes aware of your presence, beware of his ranged attacks and short explosive strikes near him. If you have a ranged weapon, you can simply shoot it from afar and hide behind the ledges.

Now examine the body on the ground, and be sure to read the note nearby. You now have the clues you need for the next step, but first you must return to Berg.

Be careful when entering the room from the pool you fell into, as otherwise you will surely attract the attention of two more bandits. One of them is an ice mage, and the other has a bow and machete. Try to kill the mage as quickly as possible before following the archer.

These two bandits are guarding the stairwell that leads to the upper levels of this underground room, but keep in mind that you will encounter a Stone Mantis there. If you have a ranged weapon (for example, from the body of a previously killed archer), you can try to climb the stairs, get the attention of the Stone Mantis, and then run back. The praying mantis cannot chase you down the stairs, leaving you free to shoot arrows at it.

If you intend to kill him in fair combat, know that the Stone Mantis is capable of blocking your attacks + it has a powerful three-hit combo. Try to get around him and attack from the back.

The main reason you should kill the Praying Mantis is that the creature is guarding a deposit of palladium minerals, from which most of the best gear in the game can be crafted. There is also another staircase leading down to the Ancestral Resting place, with a door leading to a map of the Enmerkar Forest region. In addition, there is a gate here that leads to a room with an ornate chest, but you cannot open it from the side where you are.

The second way to leave the Ancestral Resting Place is to return to the large underground room you fell into earlier. Head to the room opposite the stairwell that led to the palladium mineral deposit and get ready to fight the leader of the bandits.

The enemy is armed with a steel saber and a shield, which you can pick up. More importantly, by killing him, you can get the Key of the Catacomb of Enmerkar, with which you will open all the gates in the Resting place of the ancestors, including the gate leading back to the intersection that you passed earlier.

You can either return to the hallway that leads back to the Necropolis, or you can open other gates that lead to the room with the ornate chest I mentioned earlier. Be careful as it is guarded by a bandit, bandit lieutenant and armored hyena! Try to draw them one at a time and lure them into longer corridors.

After the victory, feel free to search the ornate chest; in addition, you can open the gate leading to the room with the exit from the Enmerkar forest.

Return to Berg, then prepare to travel the southern part of the Enmerkar Forest map. Rest, recuperate, repair equipment, and stock up on supplies and traps! Also acquire items that heal for Firemourne, as your main goal is to travel down the land surrounding the Burning Tree, south of Enmerkar Forest.

Burned out fort

Walkthrough Outward - Blue Chamber Collegium Quests

Optional: Kill the Mercenary Leader
Before the main mission, try to look around the place marked with a blue icon on the map above. You need a lone Mercenary Leader guarding the camp west (possibly northwest) of the Burning Tree.

He is armed with a Prayer Clay and is stationed outside his simple tent. Remember that the two-handed sword is longer and strike as soon as you see the hole. After killing an enemy, you will receive a Prayer Claymore, as well as delicious foods. You can even use his Campfire and Simple Tent.

Now head south to the Scorched Forest and find the Bandit Camp southwest of the Burning Tree. You will see a fortified area with wooden towers.

Flaming people
Look for the Burning Men patrolling the fortress and the Burning Tree. They are elementals who can breathe fire and create explosions around them. Be especially careful with Burning status as it is one of the most powerful slow damage in the game. You can treat yourself with fresh water or tea.

You can try to impose frost on your weapon (or use ice magic) to take away the flames of these opponents. While the Burning Men cannot be underestimated, they can still be killed and then retrieved the Obsidian Shards from their bodies. These are key components required to create the most powerful weapon in the game, such as the Obsidian Pistol, which burns enemies.

Either kill the Burning People, or go around them and enter the wooden tower. Get ready to fight two more bandits who are armed with steel sabers, and the lieutenant also has a shield. It all depends on you, but try to block their attacks and attack whenever possible. The good news is that even if you get killed, you will respawn outside the Burnt Fort, so you don't have to go far.

Once you defeat the two bandits at the Burnt Fort, you can finally free Rissa and Kirunak. The latter, in particular, will reward you with 100 silver coins. Talk to Rissa, who will immediately go to Berg.

If only she took you with her! But no, you have to stomp back to Berg on your own. Once you reach the city, talk to Rissa to complete this quest and receive your reward.

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Author of the article
Sergey Tatarenko
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