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Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


Unexpected guests

After waking up from the celebration the night before, it was time to start the day. Search the chest in the room, then go outside and talk to your father, who will send you on a series of errands.

Using the card
To figure out where to go during this and future quests, use M to open the map and then follow the compass at the top of the screen.

Buy ale at the tavern
Find Bianca at the tavern and tell her you need ale. In addition, she will give you 3 Rescue Schnapps, which will allow you to save the game.

Learn to fight with swords
Before you venture further into the game world, it is best to prepare yourself, so find Master Vanjek in the plaza and he will teach you the basics of combat.

Take debt from Kunesh
To buy the charcoal your father needs, you must first collect the debt from Kupesh. You can find him near the tavern, where he refuses to pay you.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

If you want to settle things peacefully, tell him that your father will visit him. Otherwise, convince him or fight him (if you don't convince him, you will have to fight him); he will prove to be a very tough opponent, so if you lose, go back to your mother, then talk to your father and make a plan to get the money back.

One way is to just rob him. To do this, enter his house and try to open the locked chest by the window, after which the game will prompt you to find a lockpick. Do this and then open the chest to get a hammer and nails.

Alternatively, after you talk to him, you can stun him and then loot his body (and possibly take his clothes). When he wakes up, he will obey and tell you to find something of value in his home. Open the chest to get a hammer and nails.

When you have what you need, find an assistant charcoal merchant near the tavern and sell your goods, then buy 50 units of charcoal from him.

Take the hilt of the dream in the castle
Go to the castle and talk to the guards, who will give you a sword hilt that your father needs.

After completing the errands, return to your father and help him forge a sword. After that Teresa will appear and ask for nails. Find them in the chest in your house and give them to the girl. Soon after, unknown knights will appear who will kill your parents, but you will be able to escape.


When an army attacks a city, you have no choice but to run away. Run to the neighboring stable and take a horse, and then gallop to the east until the soldiers of the aforementioned army overtake you.

Start jumping fast all the way to Talmberg. Eventually you will reach the place, after which the soldiers will retreat.

Go outside and down the stairs to find Sir Robbard, who will direct you to the kitchen. Take the food from the table and go into your inventory to eat it, and then go to the rest house in the courtyard. Before bed, Lady Stephanie will knock on your door and talk for a while. After you sleep, Robbard will call you on patrol in the company of the knights from Skalitsa.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

As it turns out, these are Sir Radzig and the survivors of Skalitz, who managed to escape without a fight. They will go to Rattay, then Robbard will send you to the wall. After a while, the guard will tell you to rest until morning. Do this, then go through the gate that was previously locked, where Sir Divish will chat with Sir Marquarth von Aulitz, who turns out to be in Sigismund's service.

Once Divish convinces Marquart to leave, talk to Robbard and convince him to let you go so you can bury your parents. If you fail, convince the guard Radim at the gate to release you. If you fail again, he will tell you to find the disguise: it is in a chest in the guardroom (small rooms in the battlements), and you will need a lockpick. If you manage to escape through the gate, be sure to take the horse from the stable first.

Go to Skalitsa; on the way you will find Rovna, where those who tried to find shelter were killed. Search the first body you see for an ax. If you have not done so already, you should arm yourself with the sword of Sir Rajig's Mare (note that it is displayed not in the weapons tab, but in the quest items tab).


Approaching Skalitsa, you will meet a bandit who will attack you. Fight him - the battle should be easy enough. Kill him or let him back down. Perhaps you can force him to disarm and take his weapon.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Travel to Skalitsa, where you will fight another bandit. Take the long path to the northeast entrance (all others are blocked off). Search Bianca's body for the ring and the rescue schnapps, then find the parents ahead of you. You will need to find a shovel to bury them, so go to the barking - you will see one of the townspeople protecting from the dog using a shovel. Convince him to give it to you, fight him or scare him away. When you have a shovel, find a tree next to your former home and look at the ground next to it for a Start Digging hint.

When you bury your parents, Zbishek and his thugs will attack you, and you will pass out. Lord Devish's men will rescue you and bring you to safety, after which you will have a nightmare. Fight the soldiers and ignore your mother's screams instead of following the quest marker. When you wake up, Teresa will tell you what happened.


The bed you wake up in, as well as the bed given to you in the city, are places to save, so use them often. (You cannot save in any bed, it must be “yours”.)

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

After waking up from a nightmare and recovering from the death of his family, it was time to visit Sir Razig to tell him what happened and get help in obtaining his father's sword.

Before you go, collect your belongings in the room where you woke up.

Then, head to the Lower Rattay Gate and enter the city. After passing the bridge on the upper level and once inside, you will find Sir Radzig and his compatriots. Tell him about the missing sword and he will offer you a job and training with Sir Bernard.

Hard to learn - easy to fight

Finally, it's time to learn more advanced fighting techniques. Find Captain Bernard outside the city, in the east, where he will tell you more about swords (skip the basics if you learned them from Vanjek), then follow him to the shooting range. In the lesson, Sir Khan will challenge you to an archery competition where the prize is his bow (it's almost impossible to beat, so don't be discouraged if you fail). Once this is done, he will challenge you to a sword fight (which is also very difficult).

After training, talk to Bernard and he will send you to the bailiff, whom you can find upstairs, next to the gunsmith. Ask him who can teach you to read, and then tell him that you want to work for him to complete the quest.

Note: if you are arrested while serving as a bailiff, you will be fired for incompetence and the game will be over.

Guardian of order

Head to the lower floor of the arsenal (between the shoemaker and the tavern). In the small room, talk to the guard, who will pick up basic equipment for you (a soft hat, a club, light soft armor and a regular helmet). Put it all on, then find a Nightingale near the church to take you on patrol. Before he does, you activate the "Suitor" side quest, which focuses on the romance with Teresa.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Note: no matter if you put on the gear you were given, the Nightingale will mock you. Just tell him that you will be able to continue the quest.

After making your way through the city, resolve the dispute between the gunsmith and beggar as you see fit, and then continue your patrol. In the end, the Nightingale will ask you to play dice. After that, night will come and you will be allowed to ring the bell in the square. Do this, then try to close the tavern where Sir Ian will be against it. Sir Hanush will appear to settle the dispute and indicate that the two of you are on a hunt to reconcile.

Note: the next quest is time dependent, so make sure you arrive at dawn or earlier.


Go to the courtyard of the Upper Castle and sleep until 7 am, after which Sir Yang will appear. Follow him on foot until you are at camp in Talmberg Woods, then bring him wine and bacon from his saddle bag.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Skip time or sleep until 7 am, then go hunting (remember to grab the nearby merchandise).

If you compete with Jan and catch about five birds with one stone, you will surpass him and he will give you 35 pennies.

Yang will then take you on a wild boar hunt, which will eventually run away. Go in pursuit, although both of you will not catch up with him. Find Jan near the small camp at the western end of the forest, tied to a tree by the Polovtsy. Save him and bring him home, to the delight of Radzig.

Soon after, you learn that the Neuhof farm was raided by bandits, whose leader - Runt - matches the description of the man who stole your father's sword.

Note: the next main quest is time dependent, so notify Captain Bernard in the courtyard immediately.

The hunt begins

Before Captain Bernard approaches the horses, ask if there is anything you need to do to travel to the Ruins.

Tell him that you are ready to hit the road and at that moment you will receive your first horse (Sivka). When you arrive in Neuhof, you will find a stable with dead men and horses - this is the work of the bandits.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

Ask Yakub and Zor, who are standing nearby; then Ryzhy and Mark at the main stables. Mark will have the most valuable information: the bandits fled into the forest in the north; The redhead will act suspicious.

Scout the area and find the broken fence to the north (the second indicator of where the bandits were going), then head north where the guard will return to the stable. Follow him to Bernard and he will tell him that bandits have been found in the forest.

Go with the men to the forest, where you will find a couple of bandits. Kill them and search the bodies to find the murder weapon.

Return to the main stables, where you will learn that Red has disappeared. Ask Mark and he will tell you that Yakub can tell you where he ran away. Talk to Yakub to find out that Red was hanging out with charcoal burners.

Redhead between two fires

Your first goal is to talk to the charcoal burners who are in their camp in the south. Follow your objective marker straight to the camp until you reach the bandits that you must kill to get the Redhead's location.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

After that, talk to the twin and he will tell you where to find the Redhead. If he is not in this place, wait until morning and he will appear. Now return to Captain Bernard or Sir Radzig to tell them about your find.

Inscrutable ways

In this quest, go to Uzhitsa and talk to the people to find a limping bandit. Respond to the bailiff as much as you can and he will eventually redirect you to the priest. The priest will be in the church, and he will win the dialogue, but in the evening he will invite you to the tavern. Now skip the time until evening and then talk to the priest. In a dialogue, always choose the first option.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

After that, find the bailiff and talk to him before heading back to Rattay. Here, talk to the clerk who lives above the gunsmith, and get him the medicine from the apothecary downstairs in the same building. Once you do that, you can read his Black Chronicle, which contains the records of the bandit. You can read it yourself if you have the skill or just ask him to do it. You will receive information about the bandit Lyubosh, and the quest will end.

On the trail

First of all, you need to track down Ginecke. Travel to Ledechko, which is located on the north side of Rattay. Talk to the villagers to find out where to find Father Gyneke and Vanna Venchu. Talk to them and you will learn that Gineke is in the forest.

Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

You can find out the hiding place from a prostitute or lumberjacks. After that, follow to the place of his hiding place, marked on your map. Search all the caves until you find the one where Gineke is hiding. After that, use all dialogue options to complete the quest.

My buddy Peto

This is a simple quest in which almost everything you need to do is marked on the map. First, you will be ambushed by three bandits. Take a closer look at the right side and quietly remove them while Gineki distracts them. Just kill the archer on the right and the other two bandits will run away. After that, head to the windmill, which will be marked on your map. Talk to Mirka there and she will tell you the details about Peto.

Try to avoid talking to Runt's bandits as they want to kill Peto. If you have a good speech skill, tell them that he is in Rattai. After that, kill the guards watching you, and then move forward. Make sure you don't tell them where Peto is. Once you get to Peto, talk to him and find the place of the other bandits. Finally, go to Sir Radzig's camp marked on your map to complete the quest.

Snake's nest

Another not very difficult quest. First of all, find the bandit camp using the information Peto gave you. Just always turn left at all the forks. When you get to the camp, take a look at the wooden houses and the camp. Once you have the information, return to Sir Radzig and use the following dialogue options:

  • I came back from reconnaissance
  • Found in overgrown ruins
  • A lot of them
  • There are Polovtsians
  • They are well fortified
  • There are several stairs in the camp

    After all, you need to speak to Sir Divish at his castle in Talmberg. Ask him for reinforcements and then tell him that you are ready. After that, the battle will begin. It's good if you bring some high damage arrows with you. After getting ready, tell Divish that you are ready to fight in order to complete the quest.

    Baptism by fire

    At the beginning of the quest, fight until you get to the camp. Follow your allies and they will kill everyone for you. After that, ignore the archers and ask your allies to kill the commander. Search the corpses if you want.

    After you kill the commander, wait a couple of minutes and the archers will disappear. Now, fight until you get to the church and then defend the area. You can hide behind a tent and let your allies kill everyone. Just try not to take too much damage.

    After that, you will fight Runt. An easy way to defeat him is to use a bow, not a melee weapon. Use arrows with high damage and try to aim for the head, as he does not dodge them. 6 or 7 headshots are enough, while 12 shots are needed for the body. You may die several times, but in the end you will defeat him and start the next quest along with the cutscene.

    Questions and Answers

    Before starting this quest, obtain Valerian and two Thistles from the Apothecary in Rattai, Charcoal from the Blacksmith, and learn to read... Next, go to the upper castle hall by following the marker on the map, and then head to Mrojedi to find out what happened to Matei.

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    After you have found Matei and talked to him, ask the bailiff about the situation. After you're done with that, head to the dungeon in Mrojedi. To do this, you need to deliver the medicine, and then talk to Melihar again. Deliver the prisoner to Rattay Prison before heading back to Sir Radzig to complete the quest.

    All that glitters

    If the prisoner died in the last quest, go to the knight in Sazava. If this did not happen, then just follow the marker into the forest, which is located north of Rovna.

    Near the wagon, you will notice traces of blood from a corpse. Examine the blood and then follow the path to the charcoal burner camp. Talk to the charcoal burner in the middle of the camp who will tell you to talk to talk to Boreas marked on your map.

    Talk to him and try to use eloquence or force so that he informs you about the wounded man in his shed, whom he saved from the caravan.

    When you do this, a knight will appear who will need to be chased. Get him off the horse and start fighting you. Shoot him in the head so that he surrenders and you can talk to them.

    Don't kill him as he is needed for the next target. After the conversation, you will need to chat with Tobiash Feyfar in the lower castle in Rattay. Use all dialogue options and then chat with the mural artist at the hotel. If there is no artist, rewind the time until 19:00.

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    Now you will need to go to the caretaker's office to find out how the counterfeiters get their mercury. Convince him, and then talk to Master Feyfar again. He will tell you to check the workshop in Sazava. Talk to the person upstairs (use all dialog options).

    After that, you will need to go to Florian's house and convince him to tell you about Rapota. As soon as you see Rapota outside Florian's house, talk to him and he will run away. Run after him so that when he stops near the horse, you can hit him and stop him.

    After that, you will need to go to the hills in Skalitsa and find the mine. Go to the end of the tunnel and then stop the Ronou Jezhek.

    To defeat him, shoot arrows in the head and be sure to put on thick armor before that to avoid heavy damage. Once you grab Jezhek, talk to Radzig at the lower castle of Rattay. Before that, however, head to the jail and use Bernard's keys to find out where the counterfeit currency comes from.

    If he is too tough for you

    In this quest, you will travel to Sazava to speak with the bailiff. He will be at the scribe's house all day long. Also, talk to the two innkeepers. Select the dialogue about the recruitment of bandits and they will tell you to find the tanners.

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    Before you can enter the house, you need to challenge the local bullies. Fighting them can take a little longer, but it is not very difficult as all you have to do is defeat all the enemies in a fist fight.

    Then talk to the tanner and he will give you 95 groschen as a reward. Return to the bullies and fight them until you defeat the Fist, who will tell you where the recruiters meet. Then go to the marker by the church in the south of Sazava. Pray in church for a cut-scene. Use all dialogue options and accept the new quest.

    Poverty, chastity and obedience

    This is a fairly short quest. Tell Radzig about the bandits' request. He will send you to the monastery in Sazava, where you can talk to Karl (the guy in the green hat).

    After that, you will need to convince the guard to leave or stun him by sneaking up from behind so that you can steal the wallet and take Karl's place in the monastery.

    Needle in a haystack

    In this quest you need to bring Brother Anthony to clean water. Before he leaves, talk to him and ask about the Pious. Tell him that you are looking for the Holy One to kill him. Convince Antony not to tell anyone about it.

    Now skip to 11 and have lunch with everyone else - in the dining room on the ground floor. Go to the end of the chapel hall and open the door on the right. Sit for about 30 seconds and then stand up. You will be poisoned and unconscious. When you come to your senses, here are the dialogue options you need to choose:

  • What kind of deal?
  • I agree.
  • Good! Let it be your way.
  • What are you going to do?
  • Where can I find blood in the monastery?
  • What are keys for?
  • I know everything I need.

    After your conversation with Anthony, who is actually the Holy One, you need to go to bed and restore your health until 11 o'clock. At 11, head to the kitchen and find the blood on the goat's skin. If you see paper skin instead of goatskin, then you can use it to order blood and collect it the next day. After that, go to the storage room and then enter the second door. There will be a key to the monastery on the shelf.

    Now sleep until morning, and then go to Antony. When you finish evening mass, talk to him and then follow outside. When the dialog box appears, tell him that you are handing him over to the bailiff. A fight will begin in which you need to beat him until he loses consciousness. This will automatically transfer it to the bailiff.

    The lot was thrown

    First of all, head to the swamps near the monastery and then light a fire to signal the bandits, which will trigger a cutscene. If you did not kill the Holy One in the previous quest, then they will attack you during the conversation.

    If you want to get the achievement "Merciful", then just take your horse and run away. Now be sure to leave all your belongings at home or they will be lost. After that, head to the area of ​​the bandit camp to the southwest edge (Vranik).

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    Convince the guard by saying that you want to go inside as you have an urgent message. Now go to Eric in the house near the top of the hill, and if you tell him that you know how to use the sword, he will tell you that you should practice with the master. Visit the wizard and then talk to Eric again.

    When you see the cut-scene and realize that you are trapped, accept the help of your friend Zbyshek. Then run to the marker and jump over the wall. Having done this, go to the right and walk sideways so as not to fall. Don't worry about enemies as they won't be able to chase you. After you've escaped, select the "Deal" option. Then make sure Zbyshek survives when you get to Rattay.


    Ask Captain Bernard for your equipment, then travel to Thalmberg to inform them of the attack. Make sure you have the correct equipment, as the siege will start automatically as soon as you talk to Divish. When the battle begins, do not kill anyone.

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance

    If you like helping, then use your bare hands to stun multiple enemies. Once you reach the bandit camp, you can retrieve your belongings from the chest and find the "Letter from Vranik" in the same room. Take the letter and take it to Radzig to complete the quest.

    On a hot frying pan

    This quest only takes a few seconds. Once the cutscene ends, just move past the horses on the right side. Don't fight enemies because they won't kill you if you just run. Enter the watchtower by the gate and use the control panel. That's all, the quest is over.

    Night outing

    Get to Captain Robard, who will be right in front of you. Then follow your comrades and wait for the sentries to die to climb the wall. It's best here if you just get caught by enemies and then return to your stairs. This way you will skip the whole difficult part of the quest and can finish it instantly. The quest is meant to make you fail, so this is the best option for you as you can save a lot of time.


    First of all, talk to Feyfar, and then to Captenarmus - both of them can be found on the map. The captenarmus will ask you to bring meat - hunt or buy it. He also needs beer - you can buy it at the tavern, but the innkeeper will refuse to sell you beer. Drink the Bard's Potion to increase your speech skill.

    Chat with Pan Divish near Talmberg and then head to the Sazava Monastery to see Nicodemus.

    After that, go to Uzhitz to convince Bogut's father to come to Talmberg. If you can't do this, drink Bard's Potion.

    Now talk to Captain Bernard. He will send you to the herbalist you will need to help you find mint (near gardens and houses), valerian (on forest paths, peatlands, and wet areas), and wormwood (in fields and roadsides). Once the potion is ready, deliver it to Captain Bernard and receive your reward.

    Next are the coal burners. Since they have no ointment, talk to the eldest of them to find out where you can get one. Now go to Captenarmus and tell them that you have found tar, and then watch how the trebuchet is tested. This can take a couple of days.


    Go to the battlefield and be there before the enemy attacks. All you have to do is protect yourself and your lord while your allies kill everyone else. After the first wave, you need to follow the soldiers to Hanush. Defeat a few enemies here and you will complete the quest.

    Walkthrough main quests in Kingdom Come: Deliverance


    Another short quest. Run to the camp and fight the soldiers - if you want the Merciful trophy, attack them with your bare hands. Having done this, go to the tent and interrogate Thoth.

    Choose all the options in the dialogue and do not forget to use the Bard's potion if he has a higher speech skill than you. The quest will end after interrogation.

    The word must be kept

    When you're ready, talk to Pan Divish and then fire the trebuchet. The soldiers themselves will put a stone in it, and all you have to do is pull the lever. Then you need to talk to Pan Borek, who will tell you to wait two days.

    You can skip this time or make some preparations. After that, talk to Pan Borek to immediately start the attack. If you want the Merciful trophy, just watch your allies do everything for you. As soon as the castle is taken, download to the meeting with the father.


    This is the last quest. Travel to Rattay Upper Castle and chat with Radzig. Then take the letter from Margrave in the same room where your conversation was. After that, you will join Jan Ptacek's squad to finish the game.

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