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Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How to Save Your Game


When you start playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, you will almost immediately face one problem - the RPG does not allow you to save your progress indefinitely at any time, which can cost you a lot if you do not take appropriate precautions.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How to Save Your Game

If you want to save at a specific moment, you must have a drink in your inventory Rescue Schnappsshown in the picture above. Only then will the save option be highlighted in the pause menu. In the event that you do not have a bottle of schnapps, it is inactive. Unfortunately, this drink is a very poor commodity, especially at the beginning of the game. In addition, each bottle is disposable and schnapps is lost after drinking. This means that you should only use it after completing long quests when you need to take risks (like infiltrating an enemy camp). You can get schnapps by completing NPC quests, buying it from merchants or crafting it, but only after pumping your alchemy skills.

1 Note: Relying too much on schnapps, Henry becomes addicted and turns into an alcoholic.

2 Note: The game does not ask you if you want to use Schnapps to save. Always keep this in mind, because, especially at the beginning of the game, you will only have a few bottles of this drink.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance - How to Save Your Game

Other ways to save progress:

  • The beginning of a new quest or the achievement of important progress in the current task - d such moments the game is automatically saved.
  • Using your own bed (bed icon on the world map). The game will save your progress only when you go on vacation and spend at least one hour of sleep. Initially, you only have one bed, but as the game progresses, more of them will open in other places in the world.
  • Bed use in hotel - hotels are found in most villages and towns. The game will save the progress that you pay only for the rent of the bed. The amount depends on the number of days. When renting a bed for one night, you have to pay 2 pennies in default (you can bargain).
  • Bath use - they are found in every large village and city. The game will save progress only if you pay for services.
  • Get to the camp in the forest - the game will be saved automatically.

    Note: There are only three manual save slots in the game, and after creating a new one, the oldest save is automatically overwritten. This limitation does not apply to automatic saves that are created during quests.

    How to save at any time

    Open your console with a tilde (~) and then type:

  • Save Save file name

    To load the save, enter:

  • Load Save file name

    How to survive without life-saving schnapps

    1. Go to the Steam folder with games (usually C: \ SteamLibrary \ steamapps \ common)

    2. Go to the Kingdom Come: Deliverance installation folder (named KingdomComeDeliverance) and open the Data folder.

    3. Open the file "GameData.pak"Using WinRAR or and 7-ZIP. Be sure to make a copy of the archive!
    5. Go to Libs \ UI \ UIActions and open the file named MM_SaveGame.xml.

    6. Scroll down to line 67 where you will see the following:

    <Inputs SaveType = ”2 ″ OverwriteSaveId =” - 1 ″ UsePotion = ”1 ″ />

    7. Change UsePotion ="1" to UsePotion ="0"

    8. Repeat what you just did in the last step on line 70.

    9. Save the file and close it. 7-ZIP will ask if you want to save your changes - click "Yes".

    10. Close the archive and start the game.

    If something goes wrong, just replace the file with a pre-made backup or try checking the integrity of the game cache on Steam.

    You can now use the Save Game button on the ESC menu without using drinks.

    Mod for the ability to save

    If the above method did not help you, try installing a modification that allows you to save at any time and without using schnapps.

    1. Download the file by this link

    2. Navigate to the address (default path):

    C: Program Files (x86) / Steam / steamapps / common / KingdomComeDeliverance / Data

    and unpack the previously downloaded archive here.

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