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Graveyard Keeper - basic recipes / blueprints for crafting


There are many different upgrades in the game, and each of them has its own recipe / blueprint and methods of obtaining. Therefore, below you will find a guide for basic blueprints only, so that you can craft new items and improve the quality of the graveyard.

Alchemy laboratory

  • Alchemy mill - 2 polished stone bricks, 6 wooden planks, 4 simple iron parts
  • Alchemy rack - 12 wood, 10 nails, 6 wooden beams
  • Alchemy tool (first row) - 6 wood, 3 complex iron pieces, 2 complex glass cones
  • Alchemist's workplace (second row) - 6 wood, 2 steel parts, 3 complex glass cones
  • Bookshelf - 8 wood, 4 simple iron parts, 12 nails
  • Church workbench - 9 wood, 10 nails, 4 complex iron parts
  • Table - 8 wood, 8 nails
  • 2nd level table - 6 wooden planks, 12 nails, 1 lens
  • Distillation cube - 20 pieces of stone, 8 complex iron parts
  • Hand mixer - 6 wooden planks, 4 simple iron parts, 8 nails
  • Printing press - 6 wooden planks, 4 simple iron parts, 12 nails
  • 2nd level printing press - 10 wooden planks, 4 complex iron parts, 18 nails
  • Shelves - 8 wood, 4 simple iron parts, 12 nails
  • Examination table - 6 wooden planks, 4 simple iron parts, 3 glass cones

    Basement drawings

  • Brewing - 24 pieces of stone, 4 simple iron parts
  • Grape press - 12 wood, 4 complex iron parts, 10 pieces of stone
  • Barrel for making wine - 12- wood, 5 simple iron parts, 7 nails

    Church drawings

  • Chandelier - 6 simple iron parts
  • Candelabrum level 2 - 4 simple iron parts, 4 complex iron parts
  • Confessional - 16 wooden planks, 6 complex iron parts
  • Church bench - 8 wooden planks, 8 nails
  • Incense burner - 12 polished stone bricks, 4 simple iron parts
  • Wooden church shrine - 4 wooden beams, 4 wooden planks, 4 simple iron parts
    Graveyard Keeper - basic recipes / blueprints for crafting

    Garden drawings

  • Bee hive - 4 trees, 6 nails, 20 bees (in the bee garden)
  • Compost heap - 20 wooden sticks
  • Empty garden bed - no ingredients required
  • Garden bed with sticks - 5 wooden sticks
  • Place for the apple tree - 1 apple seedling, 3 peat, 1 wooden stick (in the garden)
  • Place for a berry bush - 1 shrub seedling, 3 peat, 1 wooden stick (in the garden)
  • Grape grate- 5 wooden sticks (in the vineyard)

    Cemetery blueprints

  • Flower bed - 2 pieces of stone, 1 peat, 2 red flowers
  • Grave site - just use a shovel to dig

    Morgue blueprints

  • Cadaveric gutter - 2 pieces of stone, 8 simple iron parts
  • Embalming table - 8 wooden planks, 4 complex iron parts, 16 nails
  • Corpse storage rack - 8 wood, 6 nails, 2 wooden beams
  • Pallet - 6 wood, 4 nails
  • Preparation table - 12 wood, 4 complex iron parts, 18 nails

    Sacrifice Zone Blueprints

  • Fountain of blood - 5 polished stone bricks, 5 polishing paste, 1 stone repair kit
  • Crucified skeleton - 1 skull, 2 wooden beams, 1 pumpkin
  • Skulls in the wall - 5 skulls
  • Pillar with skulls - 5 skulls
    Graveyard Keeper - basic recipes / blueprints for crafting

    Blueprints of the world

  • A stone bridge - 1 wood plank, 8 wood, 12 nails
  • Swamp bridge - 6 wood, 3 wood planks, 10 nails

    Workplace drawings

  • Anvil - 4 iron ingots
  • Anvil Level 2 - 5 iron ingots, 2 steel ingots
  • Flowing - 5 pieces of wood
  • Bake - 4 wood, 20 pieces of stone, 8 simple iron parts
  • 2nd level oven - 20 pieces of stone, 8 complex iron parts, 2 pig papers
  • 3nd level oven - 40 pieces of stone, 20 complex iron parts, 4 pig papers
  • Increase the workplace - 10 intricate iron parts, 8 wooden planks, 4 nails
  • Ore grinder - 4 trees
  • Paper press - 4 wood, 2 simple iron parts, 6 nails
  • Potter's wheel - 4 wood, 2 pieces of stone, 6 nails
  • Saw - 10 intricate iron parts, 8 wooden planks, 4 nails
  • Wood sawing goat - 10 wooden sticks
  • Stone crusher - 4 wood, 4 nails
  • Level 2 Stone Grinder - 5 wooden planks, 8 wood, 18 nails
  • Stone warehouse - 8 wood, 8 nails
  • Firewood stack - 10 wood sticks, 4 wood, 4 wood beams
  • Barrel for transportation - 8 wood, 8 nails, 22 simple iron parts
  • Wooden anvil - 2 wood blanks, 4 simple iron parts
  • Wood workbench - 5 wood, 2 simple iron parts
  • Wood workbench level 2 - 8 wooden planks, 4 complex iron parts, 2 wooden beams
  • Grape press - 12 wood, 4 complex iron parts, 10 pieces of stone

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