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Expeditions: Viking Guide. Weapons and additional items


The battles in this game are very brutal and you must use all the cunning and tactics to win. Many different weapons and combinations will be offered to help you. Remember that it is better to focus on one type of weapon than on several at once.

- Shields. This is not a weapon, but additional protection for your warriors. Part of the enemy's attack will fall on the shield, and not on the main health of the fighter. In addition, the shield can stop arrows or stones from a sling. However, the shield requires a free hand, so you cannot use it with a two-handed weapon.

- Axes and swords. A basic one-handed weapon that pairs well with a shield. Armed in this way, the warrior is the backbone of your troops in command. You can also acquire the appropriate skills and fight with two swords / axes. You will receive new tactical opportunities through protection. The ax works better against enemy soldiers with shields. But using the sword is easier to deal damage to opponents, especially without armor.

- Knives. After pumping them, you can deal quite satisfactory damage. But their main strength lies in high critical damage and the possibility of multiple attacks (second and third special abilities).

- Fist (no weapon). While this option seems weak, it has interesting possibilities, and at high levels, fists can do good damage. You don't have to worry about the best gear. In addition, you do not affect the healing of the enemy, such as disarming, etc. The downside is low damage and inability to kill the enemy. Fighting depends on strength.

- Danish ax. A powerful weapon with which you can inflict massive damage. Its advantage is that you can attack two cells at once. If you cannot get close to the enemy or your ally is in front of you, you can attack the enemy through the cage, from a safe distance. The third ability is that you can up to 3 enemies at once. Also, the Danish ax has an average critical hit chance. Its disadvantage is that it is a two-handed weapon.

- Spears. This game features deadly long spears. Their radius is up to 3 fields; they also do medium damage and high critical damage. You can attack over the heads of your comrades and other obstacles. Well suited for narrow aisles and tight rows. However, this is a two-handed weapon, due to which its owner also suffers a lot of damage. The main attribute of a weapon is dexterity.

- Luke. Your main ranged weapon. Although enemies can avoid your shot by hiding behind cover, the archer is a very deadly character. The shots can be used to knock down or even kill a weakened enemy. The bow deals more damage with each enhancement of the skill. The effectiveness of the weapon is dependent on perception.

- Slings. Also a good ranged weapon, but not as powerful as a bow. He has a good chance of higher critical damage. The sling also has interesting special abilities, such as flammable grenades. This weapon is influenced by perception.

Additional subjects
This includes a variety of drinks, as well as useful gadgets and traps that can help you turn the tide on the battlefield, or simply make the battle easier. Most of them are hard to find, and the cost of crafting them is quite high. Therefore, it is best to use them as a last resort. The main resources for crafting are clothes, jams, honey, powder, sticks or pots of raw materials.

- Torches and a leather water bag. The torch is very useful during night-time combat because it illuminates the surrounding area. This way, it will be easier for you to hit the enemy. It can also set fire to an unwary enemy, spilled oil, or other combustible object. In turn, the skin is the only defense against fire. You can quench your thirst.

- Barricades. They block access to the field. Use them if you want to narrow your opponent's room to maneuver. As a result, he will remain in his place and will be in a less advantageous position than your warriors. You can also use barricades to protect your archers.

- Traps (nets, holes, hooks, etc.). All of them serve to slow down the enemy, and some of them can even cause serious damage. Most of the traps you get in defensive situations, such as when you fight waves of enemies for up to a certain number of turns. You will know where the enemies will come from and where to set traps. You can also defend your flank and rear where you have archers and support.

- Grenades (fire, acid). There is a toxic or flammable liquid inside the grenade, so it is best to throw it at a dense enemy squad. Although sometimes, when you have a very serious opponent in front of you, he can also be a good target.

- Various types of tonics and drinks. Often they serve to heal a warrior, or to strengthen him: for example, in critical situations or at the very beginning of a battle to strengthen the fighters. However, sometimes it is better to carry out an additional attack than to waste a turn on a drink and hope that it will definitely help you win.

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