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Durango: Wild Lands - how to pump construction


Building is a skill that is a little more advanced and requires a small investment in certain materials as well as tools, so you will need to prepare a lot of things to focus on building it.

Building goes hand in hand with Processing and Gathering, because in order to start crafting items (which allow you to improve a skill), you need to collect all kinds of items - simply because you need materials.

How to pump the level of construction

- To start pumping construction from the very first levels, you must collect tons of leaves and make Bundles. This is the quickest and easiest way to improve a skill, as all the bundles need are Leaves and Stems.

- Another good way to level up is to create baskets. Basically, these are containers that you can use to store various items, so that you can then use them to store things.

If you continue to create Bundles from all the collected leaves, you will improve your building skill very quickly. In addition, you will improve your gathering skill.

What skills can you get in construction

Durango: Wild Lands - how to pump construction

  • Infrastructure: Only study it if you want to make walls, roads, doors and other buildings. Suitable if you want to improve the look of your island and determine what functionality you attribute to it.
  • Living spaces: Once Building is level 15, you should definitely make Taming Pens because you can use them to tame animals and dinosaurs.
  • building part: level up to level 15 and unlock the Board, because it will help you in many other areas.
  • Creation of buildings: this is where the good useful tools are, and in my opinion you should upgrade all of them.

    Once the building is level 15, create a small loom, a small tanning rack for drying meat, an oven, a paint bench, a base workbench, and a paint crafting bench! This is necessary if you want to improve the items you create.

  • Traps / Containers: If you like storing a million things and the Trash isn't right for you, consider allocating a few points for this section.
  • Construction training: This skill is only worth upgrading if you are a notorious artisan and want to improve your crafting chances.

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